Claud announces his trip to Arigni… — In Arigni #71

Michael Thorn
The Adventures of Claud (without an e)
3 min readNov 6, 2023


Claud could not sleep. He felt Lindsay had taken his announcement as an affront to her hospitality.

Photo by Nils Schirmer on Unsplash


It was late when Claud and Lindsay got in from the music gig. Lindsay poured them both a glass and nodded toward the balcony.

“Put that down over there.”

Claud had been carrying her cello case.

What was the time? One thirty, maybe two in the morning. There was a chill to the air and Claud would have preferred a mug of tea but he took the offered glass without comment and followed her outside.

“What did you make of it?”

“Yeh, it was good.”

“Good as in so-so?”

“No, it was very good.” Lindsay smiled and shook her head slightly. Claud felt compelled to add, “I enjoyed it. Thank you for taking me.”

“We perform again next Wednesday.”

“Ah, I’ve been meaning to say…”

“You didn’t like it after all.”

“No, I did. Really. But I shall be away for a few days.”

Lindsay half-choked on a mouthful of wine.

When she had composed herself, he explained that he had arranged to go to Arigni.

