One fateful night a young man named Thomas befriends a magical creature at a bar in Downtown Los Angeles: a silver statue of a squirrel. The statue gains life when surrounded by weed smoke. While the statue cannot speak, Thomas can hear the thoughts of the Silver Squirrel. These are the stories of their adventures…

Silver Squirrel: Quarantine

Part 6: An Unexpected Encounter

Josiah Authier
The Adventures of Silver Squirrel


Squirrel crept out into the night.

Sense of adventure always wins over fear, said Squirrel to himself. His silver heart thumped mighty in his metal chest — thrilled to join his first protest.

He wore his backpack because he had a plan. He always had a plan. Squirrel thought himself smart. He had read all the history books on Thomas’s bookshelf at least three times each. Squirrel loved the stories about Napoleon. He viewed himself as “The Little Corporal” did — with a serious destiny.

Squirrel watched the crowds of protesters from a rooftop. They were marching toward City Hall and held signs and banners that read: SAY HIS NAME and BLACK LIVES MATTER.

There was a young woman, with a wonderful afro, in the back of the group who caught sight of Squirrel. No one else paid him attention. Squirrel thought she looked familiar.

The girl broke away from the crowd, leaned against a light pole, and waved at him. Then she removed her mask and lit up a spliff. Squirrel instantly recognized her. She was the stranger at the empty train station he had met several weeks ago. It was more of a moment than a meeting but most people didn’t look twice at Squirrel. She had wandered over to watch Squirrel climb to the top of the train. Curiosity drove her much like Squirrel.

Squirrel wanted to meet her despite Thomas’s warnings about strangers so he climbed down a nearby drainpipe to the street. He’d never communicated with other humans before. It was troublesome that many people couldn’t hear his thoughts like Thomas could.

Well, gotta at least try, said Squirrel to himself.

He kept his distance and tried to reach out with his thoughts, but nothing. The girl spoke to him as if he were a baby, trying to lure him toward her with her spliff. She squatted down and held the spliff out to Squirrel.

“C’mon lil’ guy,” she said. “I won’t harm you.” She spoke in a British accent. Squirrel always thought it was a funny accent but strangely familiar. He sat and pondered whether he should risk it. It wasn’t like he didn’t have his own weed in his backpack.

They say sharing is caring, said Squirrel to himself. So if she is sharing she must be caring…and caring people are kind…, Squirrel mulled over his logic then reached forward for the spliff. He took it and the girl laughed as he smoked it.

“You’re rather cute,” said the girl.

Squirrel rolled his eyes. I hate when people say that, he said to himself.

“Wait — ,” said the girl. “Did you just say that?”

Squirrel froze. Was it possible? Could she hear his thoughts just like Thomas?

If you truly can hear me, said Squirrel, then tell me your favorite color.

“Oh, that’s weird,” said the girl. “Your mouth isn’t moving but I swear you just asked me my favorite color?”

Squirrel inched closer to the girl’s face. You can really hear me?

A huge smile spread across the girl’s face. “Oh shit!” said the girl. “You are way too cool!”

Squirrel smiled. Thank you, said Squirrel. Thomas says I’m one of a kind.

“Who’s Thomas?”

Oh, he’s my friend and my roommate.

“That’s cool. I’m Eve by the way.” She put out her hand but pulled it back suddenly. “Sorry, I know we’re not supposed to shake hands.”

It’s okay, said Squirrel. Thomas is pretty sure I’m immune.

“You mean immune to the virus?”

Squirrel nodded his head. “But I still carry hand sanitizer so I don’t bring the virus back to the apartment.”

“Very responsible of you,” said Eve. “Wait — so you don’t have a name? And what are you?” She looked at Squirrel from all angles.

Squirrel let Eve examine him and thought for a moment. I’ve got a title, said Squirrel suddenly. Thomas says I’m one of a kind so I’m The Silver Squirrel.

Well, aren’t you fancy?said the girl with a chuckle.

Thomas says I’m The Silver Squirrel because I’m the only one he’s ever met. But you can call me Squirrel. And since we can’t shake paws… Squirrel bowed elegantly.

“Well, it’s very nice to meet you Mr. Squirrel,” said Eve.

Very nice to meet you, Miss Eve, said Squirrel. He took another hit off the spliff and handed it back to Eve. Is this your first protest? asked Squirrel.

Eve smiled and nodded. “My parents wouldn’t approve but they’re in Hong Kong, so as long as you promise not to tell them…” She winked at Squirrel.

Are you from Hong Kong? asked Squirrel.

Eve chuckled. “I’m quite the unique creature myself…I think all adopted children are,” she said. “I’m black but my parents are white. They’re from England but work internationally, currently in Hong Kong…so I wouldn’t say I’m from anywhere specific. I consider myself to be a citizen of the world.” Eve smiled and spun around with outstretched arms.

“I go to USC which isn’t far from downtown,” said Eve. “I’d give you my sign for the protest, but I think it’s too big for you.” Eve chuckled.

It’s okay, said Squirrel, and took off his backpack. I came prepared, he said and pulled out a cape that he had made from one of Thomas’s old black t-shirts. He tied it around his neck and turned around for Eve to see. BLM was stitched in white letters on the back of the cape.

“That’s an awesome cape,” said Eve. “Did you make it yourself?”

Squirrel nodded and puffed out his silver chest.

Can I be a citizen of the world too? asked Squirrel.

“Sure!” said Eve. “We need more citizens of the world. We must march against injustice wherever it is found.”

Squirrel swished his tail in excitement. Yes! Let us march!

Elated, they both set off down the street toward City Hall. Eve liked Squirrel. She admired his sense of adventure and purpose. And Squirrel liked Eve. She was unique like him. And now they were both citizens of the world about to stomp out injustice! Exhilaration filled their hearts — the same kind of feeling children get on Christmas Eve when they can’t get to sleep.

As they got closer to City Hall the feeling of excitement melted away and was replaced by a deep sense of dread. The angry chants now had a hum of foreboding. Police speakers boomed over the people.


Police officers with shields and gas masks began appearing. Squirrel remembered back to Napoleon’s many battles. They were forming battle lines. He looked to Eve.

We must go! said Squirrel. They are more organized than us. We’ll lose this battle!

There was fear in Eve’s eyes. She looked about frantically. Then she began to cough. A hissing canister rolled by expelling gray smoke. More people began to cough and the night turned to chaos.

