One fateful night Thomas befriends a magical statue of a Silver Squirrel in a bar in Downtown Los Angeles. The statue gains life only when surrounded by weed smoke. While the statue cannot speak, Thomas can hear the thoughts of the Silver Squirrel. These are the stories of their adventures…

Silver Squirrel: Quarantine

Part 8: New Friends

Josiah Authier
The Adventures of Silver Squirrel


Squirrel bathed in the kitchen sink. His polished silver body no longer bore the marks of the beating he’d received earlier. He stretched as he climbed out after unplugging the sink.

Thomas handed him a soft cotton hand towel.

Thanks, said Squirrel as he dried himself off with the towel.

“I got ya buddy,” said Thomas. “You know, ya could of at least left a note.”

Squirrel lowered his metal ears in shame. I know…I’m sorry.

Thomas smiled and shrugged. “I’m used to it by now, curiosity’s in your nature.”

Squirrel smiled and his little ears popped back up. I think bravery is in my nature too, he said, just think what would’ve happened to Eve if I hadn’t been there… Squirrel frowned when he remembered how frightened she was during the violence of the protest crackdown.

“She was lucky you were there to protect her,” said Thomas.

Squirrel smiled and puffed up his chest. She’s really quite amazing, said Squirrel, just wait until you really meet her!

Thomas didn’t know Eve. After their brief encounter at the door, she had dashed into the bathroom to shower off the stink of the sewer. But Squirrel seemed fond of his new friend, no matter how smelly.

“Sounds like you’re in love,” said Thomas. He laughed and lit up a joint. Squirrel smirked at Thomas.

Is that Purple Punch? asked Squirrel, coming closer.

“Sure is,” said Thomas and passed the joint to Squirrel.

Ahhh! A calming indica is just what I need, said Squirrel. He settled on the couch and began smoking himself into complete relaxation.

The bathroom door finally opened and Eve stepped out of the bathroom. She wore one of Thomas’s thick sweaters and baggy sweat pants. Her impressive afro was now hidden in a towel.

You look comfy, said Squirrel. Are you feeling —

“You don’t have a hairdryer, by chance do you?” said Eve, rudely interrupting Squirrel.

“Sorry,” said Thomas, shaking his head.

“How about a brush?” she asked in her posh accent, scrunching her face.

Thomas shook his head. Eve smiled and rolled her eyes.

We’ve got a fork! said Squirrel. Again, Eve ignored him. Squirrel’s shoulders fell and his tail drooped.

“I don’t think she can hear ya, buddy,” said Thomas.

Squirrel noticed the joint he was smoking then bolted from the couch offering the joint to Eve. She smiled and took a hit.

Squirrel’s voice grew from a whisper inside Eve’s head.

…me now…hear me now…CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?

Eve smiled down at Squirrel. “Yes, I can hear you Mr. Squirrel.” She looked at the joint and took another drag. “Is this weed magic?”

Thomas laughed. “Trust me. It’s him that’s magic. Or maybe it’s a bit of both. And you’re lucky I’m not the jealous type. Pretty sure you’ve got a new best friend.”

Eve laughed and smiled at Squirrel.

“You guys got more weed?” asked Eve. “I can Venmo you. I need to get bloody high after that shit.”

“I bet,” said Thomas, “How do ya partake? We’ve got a pipe, papers…”

“Oh! Definitely the pipe! A fat bowl is just what the doctor ordered,” said Eve.

Soon they were all on the blazed on the couch. Eve was certainly higher than she had ever been. Squirrel had a smile on his face that just wouldn’t go away. They had packed three bowls and passed them. Eve and Squirrel told Thomas how the police attacked them during the protest and how Squirrel had saved Eve.

“That’s one for the books for sure,” said Thomas, “must have been scary.”

One must never be afraid in battle, said Squirrel. Napoleon fought many battles and never once was afraid.

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” said Thomas. “Everyone gets afraid sometimes.”

“I was certainly frightened,” said Eve “but you had enough bravery for us both.” She winked at Squirrel.

“So I’ve been wondering, Mr. Squirrel,” Eve finally asked. “Why don’t you have a name? Why don’t you give yourself one?” It had been bothering her this entire time.

Squirrel shrugged and said, I guess you could call me Bob. They laughed at Squirrel’s stupid joke. They laughed because they were high. But then it grew into that infectious laughter that just won’t stop.

That blissful moment of laugher lingered and their smiles stayed on their faces.

“This is nice,” said Thomas.

In that moment they all seemed to forget the problems outside the apartment and all seemed right with the world.

