Confession: I Don’t Know How To Succeed On Medium Anymore

The relational model has everyone scratching their heads.

Alvin Ang
The Affirmations Of Alvin Ang


Image Credit: Forbes

Medium used to be a place where you can make real money.

In September 2020, the top-earning writer here made an eye-watering $49,581.31. I don’t know about you, but that’s enough for me to pay the rent and keep me in the cheese for a long, long time.

Sure, this is an anomaly. But not by far.

Casey Botticello’s great Medium Blogging Guide shows that starting from Jan 2018, the highest-earning writer here consistently took home over ten grand. Furthermore, in mid-to-late 2019, the numbers would explode.

Check this out:

Picture Credit: Medium Blogging Guide

I guess what I’m trying to say with my stat-filled rant is that Medium used to be a goldmine.

More than that, it was a goldmine that made sense. In the old “viral model”, publications served as gatekeepers. Now, this sounds like a bad thing, but it really isn’t.

Gatekeepers serve as filters. They weed out bad or simply misplaced writing, ensuring only the appropriate stories got through. Medium…

