Why do Only 9% of People achieve their Goals?

Here are 4 things you might be doing wrong and not getting where you want

Nil Lenon
The After Hours


Yes, many people set small or large goals. But guess what: According to an American study, only 9–12% of people achieve the goals they set at the beginning of each year.

The problem isn’t just a lack of self-discipline and motivation, but how we actually create and manage our goals throughout the year.

Now we will see 4 reasons why you never achieve the goals you set.

1. You want massive change…overnight

One of the main reasons why New Year’s goals fail is that we want the complete transformation of our lives… and we want it ASAP! We want to get fit, smart, and rich in an instant — as if the new year has a magic wand. If you approach decisions and goals this way, you are bound to fail.

You’ll be exhausted before you even start. Sure, on the surface you’re full of passion and determination (and that’s really great), but you won’t stay on track for long.

Do one thing at a time. Make a long list (we’re allowed to be ambitious), but only do one or two things at a time. Once it becomes a habit (let’s say you do it every day for a month straight), then move on to the next…



Nil Lenon
The After Hours

A software specialist during the day and a side hustler during night. Writing about code, IT products, personal development and career tips.