Tips on Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

Winifred Odunoku
The After Hours
Published in
5 min readJul 10, 2023
iStock Photo

I love to make new status updates periodically on WhatsApp, and in doing so, I share stories and lessons from some of my lived experiences.

There was a day I made a random update on my WhatsApp, and a friend replied to my status with a long epistle on how he loved my authenticity. How I don’t copy others to be me, and how I just put myself out there the way I really am, not trying to impress anyone or call myself what I’m not.

This comment struck a chord in me, and made me realise how staying true to myself has made me define the kind of perception I want others (people) to have of me.

Becoming the best version of myself has always been a dream, and I’m glad it’s coming into fruition gradually.

Truth is, we all dream of becoming the best version of ourselves and improving our daily lives. However, to achieve this, it is important to put in place effective techniques that can transform our lives in a sustainable way.

In this article, I’ll explore 5 surefire techniques to transform your life and become the best version of yourself.

1. Take stock of your current situation

To be able to move forward and improve your life, it is essential to take the time to reflect on your current situation. Ask yourself some thought-provoking questions like:

  • Where am I in my personal and professional life?
  • What are my strengths and weaknesses?
  • What areas do I want to improve or develop?

By taking stock of these different aspects, you will be able to better understand what needs to be worked on and how to proceed to achieve your objectives. Personally, it was only when I recognised my strengths and weaknesses that I made better informed decisions on the kinds of actions I take, resources I use for learning, and even opportunities that I leverage. Taking stock of your current situation is an important first step to becoming the best version of yourself.

2. Set clear and achievable goals

Once you have taken stock of your situation, it is important to set specific and achievable goals. These objectives must be in accordance with your values ​​and your deep aspirations. They must also be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.

Below are 2 examples of SMART goals:

  1. “I want to lose 5 kilos in 3 months with a better diet and regular exercise.”
  2. “I want to get promoted at work within a year by improving my job skills.”

Setting specific goals like these will allow you to focus your attention on what is important to you, and thus put all your energy into achieving your set goals. In the last quarter of 2022, I set a goal of getting a full-time writing job that’ll enable me to relocate to Lagos State. What helped me achieve this goal was the sense of urgency I attached to it, the specificity, and the factors I put in place to measure my progress towards achieving it. Setting goals makes your dreams become real.

3. Develop an action plan and fully commit to it

To truly transform your life, it is not enough to set goals, but also to create an action plan to achieve them. This means determining what steps to take and what actions to take to achieve your goals.

Here are some tips for developing an effective action plan:

  • Determine the concrete actions to be taken to achieve each goal
  • Establish a timeline with deadlines for each of these actions
  • Regularly measure your progress and adjust your plan if necessary

Once your action plan has been established, commit yourself fully to carrying it out. Establish routines and habits that will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. In forming new habits, it is helpful to attach them to activities that have become ingrained in your daily routine. E.g I will meditate for 10 minutes immediately after dinner. Dinner, being the constant activity in your daily routine that you’re sure to have. Hence, getting to do that meditation as you planned becomes easier than if you just say “I’ll meditate daily.”

4. Work on yourself and cultivate self-confidence

To become the best version of yourself, it is essential to work on your personal development and improve your self-confidence. With self-confidence and a healthy self-esteem, you would approach life generally with a different lens and you won’t be afraid to make your voice heard. When you walk into a room, people turn around to behold the ‘angel’ that just graced the hall with her presence. In becoming the best version of yourself, you can’t help but build your self-esteem and self-confidence. Here are some exercises and techniques that can help you:

  • Meditation: Practice meditation regularly to get to know yourself better and to control your thoughts and emotions. Close your eyes, and converse with your inner self. This is an enjoyable practice if you do it consistently.
  • Journaling: Keep a journal where you record your successes, progress, and lessons learned as you move toward your goals. I keep a gratitude journal and it has made me do some deep reflections daily.
  • Reading: Read personal development books for inspiration and advice from experts in the field. And by Jove! Read fiction too. Academic papers. Newspapers. And pretty much, any material that would help you expand your horizon of knowledge while also improving yourself.
  • Assertiveness: Practice assertiveness to express your needs and defend your opinions with confidence and respect.

By working on yourself and cultivating self-confidence, you will be better able to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities that will come your way along your journey. Self-doubt will be tossed into an abyss forever.

5. Surround yourself with positive and inspiring people

Finally, to transform your life and become the best version of yourself, it is crucial to surround yourself with people who support and inspire you. This can be friends, colleagues or family members, but also mentors or inspirational figures in your field of interest.

The power of those around you is immense. The people you share your time and experiences with can have a major impact on your motivation, well-being, and personal growth. So it is important to carefully choose the people who support you in your transformation process.

By applying these 5 infallible techniques, you will put the odds on your side to transform your life and become the best version of yourself. Remember that change takes time and effort, but with perseverance and determination, you will be able to achieve your dreams and live a fulfilling and successful life.

Cheers to a good life!

