Devotion Everlasting | reminiscence of Kyoto

Vincent W. C.
The Afterglow Publication
2 min readJul 24, 2023

Only in solitude, does a single moment dilate to infinity.

Photo by Yifan Cong on Unsplash

Taeka guarded this place after Denjiro’s death, her soul resides within these hallowed halls. Though her form endures no longer, her whispers are sung by the winds which sweep into this chamber; her gaze cast, like sunlight upon the maple leaves, delicate shadows upon the sepia walls. I imagined her lashes to be dark and obscuring, as the morning mist thinly veilings the soul of the mountains just beyond the windowsill. Many nights she would sit alone then, gazing, musing; mind wondering and drifting into the still air as incense disperses in waves. Only in solitude, does a single moment dilate to infinity. Maybe, maybe Taeka still walks these solemn halls. And that moment never ended at all but carries on, and she will gently lower herself before this table, and offer her phantom hand through the dusty sunlight.

Thus lay her serenity.

Written in the meditation hall of Okochi Sanso, mansion of Kochi Denjiro. 8 April 2023.

Photo by Simon Goetz on Unsplash



Vincent W. C.
The Afterglow Publication

high school student | lover of literary things | imagining sisyphus happy ._.