Fibonacci’s Sky | reversal, boundless

Vincent W. C.
The Afterglow Publication
3 min readFeb 1, 2024

I am a traveller from a land between other lands. My sky is your ocean, and your ocean is my sky.

Photo by Joel Naren on Unsplash

I am a traveller from a land between other lands. My sky is your ocean, and your ocean is my sky. Boulders, floating. They drift in the wind as the pieces of some vessel or statue long since shattered and scattered about by indifferent hands. A deserted place, this first part is. All along the sands, litter turbines spinning. Some tall, some not so tall. All iron, all still. Even my footsteps were hushed by the ground. The sands of these dunes, swirling. But where was I?

As if something slumbered just beneath the pristine expanse. Something wonderful and soft. Maybe a god or another who had lost their way here a long, long time ago; who decided to lower their proud heads into the dust and dream. They weren’t so rare around here. I remember passing a few who had slept for so long, that springs welled from the cracks between their eyes, and birds had built nests all along their lashes and their hair. Poor things, they are. I stopped trying to wake them a long time ago, and there is no use waking a someone that wishes to be left alone. But the turbines, those blooming metallic petals slowly rotate. Wind.

They were simple plants. They grew from the soil under the light of night, and they spun and spun in the day. Occasionally, they would have visitors. Large dusty moths with pitch-dark eyes and the bright coats. Drifting, they flicker listlessly in the currents of the night. They glide low across the dark dunes. They never made any noise, so that one sees them and turns away, only to find them gone with the next glance. But they are there. I know they are. Always keenly watching with pitch-dark eyes and bright coats fluttering, fluttering.

At night, the winds turn into waves. But these waves do not drown. On good nights, I blow out my lantern, and walk under the light of those glowing moths. They lead you to strange places. They lead you to strange places which do not exist when the sun rises again. I saw your world under their light, I did.

Those creatures, I am not sure as to what they really are, or where they really came from, or where they will reemerge again from the fabric of the rippling night. But under that starless depthless silence, they were everything to a lone wanderer like me.



Vincent W. C.
The Afterglow Publication

high school student | lover of literary things | imagining sisyphus happy ._.