So be it | true radiance

a reflection of ambition, written in blank verse.

Photo by Anton on Unsplash

Wines and sweetmeats,
children tugging at my sleeves —

I laugh
I cry,
I drink and feel the upsurge coursing.
Something crumbles in my heart — and dies
— can you hear the wake?

And coachman?
Hurry your horses.

And idlers — those ladies at the tea
who look upon my face
with spite —
vide! ¹

gaude! ²
meum cor ³
For I am out with lanterns
blazing into the dark.

[¹] vide! [Latin] :
- then look (all you want)!
- from the verb [video, -ere]

[²] gaude! [Latin]:
- rejoice!
- from the verb [gaudeo, ere]

[³] meum cor [Latin]:
- my heart
- from the noun [cor, -dis]
- from the adjective, functioning as a pronoun [meus, -a, -um]

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash



Vincent W. C.
The Afterglow Publication

high school student | lover of literary things | imagining sisyphus happy ._.