Nest | paragon soul

Vincent W. C.
The Afterglow Publication
2 min readJan 25, 2024

Out, thumps my heart. Out!

Out from the fog, there will emerge a ceaseless motion. Swarming, buzzing. Hither, the looming flesh of the beast. Thither goes the viridian shadows skittering. And I am alone beneath the canopy, as a fly beneath a glassy dome — he whirrs and whizzes blindly, prismatic oculi dilating and stealing the light, until his carapace cracks and he tumbles down to curl up into a mass of twitching legs, and waits to die in the dust.

Out, thumps my heart. Out! And the fungal growths grow larger and larger. Luminous now, looming cavernous pockets of spores waft into the sluggish air. And my heart tells me that this is paradise. Out! And my breathing is easier. And my sight is clear. There — beneath the tender tangled mycelium — a little fountain, illumined by light. So I cup my cracked and weary hands, and plunge.

The growth embraces me. This is paradise. And I see. And I see. What is a single drop of rain, compared to the rolling squall? Alone! So I am. I think. But what is a thought, compared to a mind? So the fount-water travels down my throat and into my spine. I hear it trickling through my bones and down to the sweet earth beneath me. The motion ceases. And in the stillness I catch my heart. Out! But this place is my womb. This my nidus¹. Tace.

As a line drawn across the dimming asterisms, they search break beneath my skin like roots to a vine, creeping and turning the soil, desperate for any light. And I catch our hearts thumping — thumping-thumping. The sound envelops now. It rolls into us like a cresting wave. Innumerable and free. Radiant and cymatic. Out from the fog, I emerge.

¹ nidus, -i:
- [LAT] nest
- [ENG] a bundle of neutrons
- [ENG] a site of infection

This is not an unregulated chaos; it is a dynamic but ordered pattern!
- Hans Jenny; Cymatics: The Study of Wave Phenomena



Vincent W. C.
The Afterglow Publication

high school student | lover of literary things | imagining sisyphus happy ._.