Orphic- Daily Word №7

Vincent W. C.
The Afterglow Publication
2 min readJan 10, 2021

Orpheus? Orphan? Please stop…

Image by Vincent Chang

Today’s word is orphic, which is an adjective used to describe something hypnotic or entrancing — like music or example, or an optical illusion. It definitely has something to do with Orpheus the muscian…

Looking Deeper

I was correct! orphic is literally from the Greek name Orpheus. Now, this guy was no ordinary musician. In fact, his music was so mystical he managed to use it to convince Hades himself(lord of H E double toothpicks) to allow his dead wife to come back through a challenge. But alas, knowing Greek heroes and their tragic flaws, Orpheus didn’t succeed.

Nowadays, orphic can be used to describe anything that is beyond ordinary understanding. Just like Orpheusorphic tune(Get it? I thought it was funny), there is something in the arts that we cannot really comprehend.

Using ‘orphic’ in a Sentence

orphic is really easy to use! Replace boring words like amazing or wonderful with this spicy adjective and there you have it. Here:

“The space was silent save for the orphic tune that boomed off the was, ebbing like water suspended in air.”

Just like its root, orphic eventually died out to the flow of time too, replaced by more conventional words like strange or eerie. This ancient adjective now has the title ‘obsolete’ and ends up stuffed in a dictionary page or the occasional Pinterest post. Let’s being this little wonder back into use again, shall we?

Thank you and see you tomorrow!

I know I might not be much, but I hope to bring these words back to our use again. By sharing one word a day, maybe we still have a shot at saving them



Vincent W. C.
The Afterglow Publication

high school student | lover of literary things | imagining sisyphus happy ._.