Osmosis- Daily Word №13

Vincent W. C.
The Afterglow Publication
2 min readJan 16, 2021

Cosmos? Not at all

Image by Vincent Chang

Today’s word is osmosis, which has multiple meanings. A scientific definition is ‘the net movement of solvent molecules from a region of lower concentration to a higher one’. But is could also refer to how we accidentally pick up new facts in our daily lives.

Looking Deeper:

osmosis itself comes from the Ancient Greek word ὠσμός or simply ‘ōsmós’ in English, which means ‘to push’. I can see how this relates to the first definition, but the second one doesn’t really correlate with its root. Maybe it means to push the horizons of knowledge?

Today osmosis is getting decent use in fields of biology and chemistry, since there are no replacements for it. In daily use however, osmosis becomes a cosmic rarity, barely seeing any use at all in the modern conversation outside of science.

Using ‘osmosis’ in a Sentence

I’m not really sure about this one. The word itself has a beautiful meaning, and seems to replace…well…nothing much really.

“I’ve read Austen, and learnt quite a lot about life in her era through osmosis.”

This sentence doesn’t really seem right, since its more focused on the ‘learning’ part than the process of picking it up. But alas maybe it sees use in certain situations, like when you need to express how you achieved the knowledge.



Vincent W. C.
The Afterglow Publication

high school student | lover of literary things | imagining sisyphus happy ._.