The Flywheel | revolut, revolt, revolution

A Bolshevik Alphabet — visualised

Unknown Artist — Unknown Title — Bolshevik Revolutionaries awaiting the signal abroad the warship Aurora

B is for Bolshevik, who hunt the bourgeoisie

O is for Okhrana, the Tsar’s secret police

L is for Litovsk, the other part of Brest

S is for Socialism, the Manifesto’s manifest

H is for Harvest, and the grain we never had

E is for Economy, Made in Petrograd

V is for Vladimir, our great leader in-command

I is for Iskra, the pamphlet contraband

and if there isn’t one last thing which should come into mind —

K is for Kerensky, that snowblind, disinclined, maligned burzhooi whom we eventually undermined!

~ Oh you Russians



Vincent W. C.
The Afterglow Publication

high school student | lover of literary things | imagining sisyphus happy ._.