How to Find a Talented Programmer for Your Startup

Agu De Marco
The Mercado
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2014


Recruiting programmers to join your startup can be challenging. Here are a few ways to find top talent

Web development jobs are in high demand right now, so finding a stellar programmer to work for your startup can be a challenge. The top tier senior developers can have their pick of jobs, many of which include really nice perks and high salaries. However, startup salaries tend to be lower than corporate salaries and the perks may not be as nice, so once you’re ready to hire a full-time developer, how can you recruit one of those sought after candidates? Here’s my advice on how to lure a talented full-time developer to your startup.

Sell the Full Experience: Working at your startup, the developer won’t likely be sitting in a cubicle looking at code all day. Instead, he or she will be interacting with the team, changing and shaping the product, and having a real say in where the company goes. This is a nice perk for programmers tired of working alone freelancing or in corporate structures. The full startup experience is alluring for developers looking to get a bit more social.

Give Equity/Co-Founder Status: If you can’t offer a competitive salary, offer a base salary and equity, along with a real say in the company. You may consider making the developer a co-founder, giving him or her a voice in the company’s branding and direction — if they are interested and have what it takes to make your startup a success.

Invest in your Developer. If you need to hire a junior developer instead of senior developer in the beginning, you can always invest in that person to make them become a senior developer. There are 6–8 week full-time bootcamps where that person can learn a new programming language and improve their skills. When they return, you’ll have a mid-level or senior developer already trained in your product, ready to work. Offering that to any developer is a nice package deal.

Do your Research: Many developers have comprehensive profiles on LinkedIn and GitHub, so take a look at what experiences they have had, and more importantly, what they may want to do. You can recruit on LinkedIn, so do some searches and you may be able to find a developer that is searching for the same experience you’re offering.

Finding a full-time web developer can make your product or offering much better — faster. Having someone that is invested in making your startup a success, and that has the talent to do this is an invaluable part of any company.

This blog is by Agu De Marco, Co-Founder of Wideo, a DIY animated video production platform.

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Agu De Marco
The Mercado

CEO & Co-founder at Wideo , Co-founder & Professor of Emprending at University of Buenos Aires