Maintaining Team Momentum within your Startup

Sometimes at startups, there is a lot to be tackled before one can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Becoming burnt out is pretty easy, so here are a few ways to keep your team excited about the end goal.

Agu De Marco
The Mercado


The Focus

Making the focus of any project clear to a team member is essential in making sure that they understand what needs to get done. It may sound obvious, but all too often instructions and background information are given vaguely and team members are left guessing how they should go about completing the task. Explaining to your team member the focus of the assignment helps him/her avoid taking unnecessary detours. Also explaining the reason “why” gives your team member a reason to care and a reason to get creative in their approach to the task. The best team is one where each person operates as their own unit while working cohesively with the rest of the team. You don’t want a team member constantly looking to you for advice at every turn.

The Team that Eats Together Stays Together

While everyone is on the clock, they are zoned into their assignments. Well, at least they should be. This is why lunch time turns into a sacred time when people can shake out of that head space for a bit. That is exactly why eating lunch together as a team is such a great team builder. Eating lunch together takes some of the pressure out of the office environment and gives team members a moment to spend time together. Working lunches especially change the tone of the work environment to something more relaxed rather than hectic. The choice to not separate break time and work time shows that the two don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

Follow the Leader

The boss’s energy sets the tone for the whole office. If the boss is enthusiastic, the team is enthusiastic; if the boss is stressed, then the team is stressed; if the boss is laid back…well you get the idea. It is important to set the right tone in the office for that reason. Building a good momentum in the office space by bringing your own can only help everyone put their best foot forward and result in the best product from the team.

Give Your Team Members a Voice

A one-sided relationship isn’t worth anyone’s time and as the saying goes “two heads are better than one.” Giving each team member a voice, no matter what role they hold in the company, will strengthen the team spirit and the enthusiasm.

Quality over Quantity

Reward your team’s efforts rather than for the amount of hours that they are clocked in. A team member’s work ethic shouldn’t be measured by how long they were in the office for but rather how fast and efficiently they finished their tasks. It is better to give your team flexibility when it comes to their schedule and take note when they complete a task well. They will appreciate the trust and awareness you have for their work and their performance will only improve.

What advice do you have for maintaining team momentum at a startup?

This blog is by Agu De Marco, Co-Founder of Wideo, a DIY animated video production platform.

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Agu De Marco
The Mercado

CEO & Co-founder at Wideo , Co-founder & Professor of Emprending at University of Buenos Aires