5 Things Conscious Leaders Do Every Day

A guide to transformational change

Mike Watson
3 min readApr 20, 2014

5 things CONSCIOUS LEADERS do every day

1. Establish a trustworthy environment

Companies where trust is practiced every day, encourage questions across multiple platforms, support constructive risk-taking, and remove fear so that others can become extraordinary and not properly subordinate. Leaders that build trustworthy environments will be rewarded with employee well being, and sustainable, optimal performance.

2. Remove obstacles for others to achieve worthy goals

Chronic failure to make time for previously agreed upon learning opportunities and not removing obstacles to performance will breed cynicism and mistrust. Conscious leaders clearly communicate vision, mission, and goals, how all decisions are based on these structures, and then allow others to initiate, risk, and innovate within the guidelines.

3. See transparency as a strength

Leaders that are transparent allow for their actions to be seen in alignment with purpose and elevated above personal agendas. Since leaders are emulated, the clarity and transparency of their actions will be embraced and repeated, creating an environment in which all feel safe to participate, thus raising performance average up instead of creating a cult of mediocrity.

4. Practice reciprocity

“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men.” ~ Herman Melville

By learning to be mindful of other’s actions, you inevitably increase the abundant benefits of reciprocity for yourself and others. It is in the act of giving that you create awareness about reciprocity, it is not a means of manipulation, but is a shared agreement on value-based growth. Chest-thumping corporate brochures won’t generate indebtedness, because they are all about you. What you give should be all about the person on the receiving end of the action.

5. Maintain and grow viable markets, and ultimately society

Peter Drucker, noted futurist and management scholar, suggests: “Every few hundred years in Western history there occurs a sharp transformation. Within a few short decades, society — its world view, its basic values, its social and political structures, its arts, its key institutions — rearranges itself…we are currently living through such a time.” In our hyper-connected world we quickly reach excess points of behavior. As we rush towards the brink of ego driven leadership, humanity will be influenced by their desire to realign with shared core human values, and as Stewart Levine Founder, Resolution Works, and Rick Smyre, M.S. President, Center for Communities of the Future state, the emphasis will shift from actions to generative dialogue…. from prediction and control to self-organization and emergence.

True transformational change happens when leaders accomplish vision, not goals.

Stay Remarkable, Mike Watson

@emcmike, always connecting the unconnected

To book talks about conscious leadership, contact Mike Watson, mike@fritchconsulting.com



Mike Watson

Founder of Heart-centric Leadership, I am here to empower people to navigate their life journey and step into their brilliance.