Matt’s Riptide and Choosing Love Above All Else.

Dedicated to those Matt Left Behind, His Wife and 2 Boys.

Jason Spencer
The Age of the Tribalpreneur


There are things that happen in life that don’t make any sense at all.

You hear someone describing what just happened with words, language, sound, but time had already stood still. Everything that your ears are picking up on is just blurred noise.

He died.

Those words can’t possibly be real.

They don’t come any slower or clearer.

You know its what you heard. But you didn’t really hear it.

Did you?

Remembering Matt

My wife, Julia, heard the words from one of the administrators at her workplace, a group home organization for individuals living with severe Autism.

His name was Matt, a coworker who handled all of the maintenance requests at the various houses where the residents live. Matt was a father of 2 young boys, around the same age as our kids.

Whenever I would pickup Julia at work during the day, or bring her some food or a caffeinated beverage, I would usually see Matt. He was always in a good mood, as far as I could tell. Happy to be working. Happy to be serving. Happy. He would smile and wave, and his joyful aura was contagious.

A beautifully humble man that worked hard to serve not only his family, but to serve the residents with Autism, and his coworkers.

Matt loved life.
Matt loved his family, his wife and 2 boys.
Matt loved God.
Matt loved the people he worked with.
Matt loved the least of these, the people he was meant to serve in this life.
Matt loved his neighbor as himself.
Matt loved.

Is there anything more fulfilling in life then to have and to give love?

Have you received love in this life?
Have you given love in this life?

Matt’s not here anymore.

His physical person is not able to anymore.

But you…

You’re still here.

Just love.
Just love with every cell in your physical existence.

Saying Goodbye

Matt drowned in a terrible riptide accident on Monday.

His kids were in danger. They were getting pulled into the dangerous current, and they needed rescued.

He sacrificed his life for theirs.
He left it all in the forceful riptide.
He left it all in that space.

Because he loved.

He loved his kids so damn much.

They were everything.
They were beautiful.
They were perfect.
They were a part of him.
They were helpless and they needed him.

And so he swam.
And swam.
And swam.

And it was enough.
Enough to save those precious, beautiful boys.

But it wasn’t enough to save himself.

He was lost.
He gave everything in love.

Your love, Matt, is eternal.
It will never fade.
It will never be lost.

Thank you for what you left for us to remember.


Making a Difference

We can get really wrapped up in the “how” to make a difference in this life.

How do we love?

We’ll over-analyze, and strategize and try to put just the right plans into place so that we can get “there”. You know, the place where we can finally make a difference in the lives of other people.

It’s “out there”.

We’re making progress.
Making all the right moves, or struggling with all the wrong ones.

But, our choice is pretty simple.

When I pulled into that parking lot every day, Matt had a choice. He could remain tuned into his work, keep his head down, or he could see me, smile at me, and allow me to see his love and his joy.

What would you do?
What do you do?

Every day.

You see, making a difference in this lifetime is not a roadmap, blueprint, or formula.

You don’t have to build a business, social enterprise, non-profit or launch a website, kickstarter or NY Times Bestseller to make a difference.

Making a difference is being present.
Making a difference is loving.
Making a difference is sacrificing.
Making a difference is serving.
Making a difference is allowing the real you to shine through… not the you hiding behind the masks and the stone cold heart.

I help people build heart-centered businesses.
I help people incubate purpose and passion based products and services.

But I’m here today to tell you that you don’t need any of that to make a difference.

No Flight Formula necessary.

Put down the how-to manuals, the e-courses, the mastermind groups, and the blogs, podcasts, forums and Facebook groups for one god-damned minute and look around you.

There are people you can be present for…
people you can serve…
people you can love…
people you can smile at and show joy to…

You might be the one and only opportunity someone has to see and experience love today.

So just be love.
Make a difference and be love.

Matt’s Sacrifice and His Challenge to Those Left Behind

Matt worked hard, applying his gifts and skills to a place that most of our society writes off, ignores or is just not tuned into. He served the beautiful people struggling with autism…

some of whom cannot use the toilet…
some of whom cannot manage to get food to their mouths…
some of whom cannot communicate with words…
some of whom many would find hard to love…

He loved these people.
He loved this place.
He loved his work.
He loved the opportunity to sacrifice and serve.

He wasn’t there for the money.
There are jobs for his skill set that pay more.

He wasn’t there for the lifestyle.
There are opportunities out there for more flexibility, time off, and travel.

And so, while so many of us in the entrepreneurial space online are chasing after the money, lifestyle, purpose, and happiness looking for ultimate fulfillment, let us consider one important thing through Matt’s life…

Matt found happiness.
Matt found fulfillment.
Matt found purpose.
Matt found love.

Matt chose happiness.
Matt chose fulfillment.
Matt chose purpose.
Matt chose love.

Matt’s ultimate sacrifice and last breath, while getting his kids to safety, was a choice.

Matt chose love above all else.

Donations to help the family can be made to the Christ Community Church in Montreat, North Carolina. Click here for more information.



Jason Spencer
The Age of the Tribalpreneur

I Build TRIBES. Business Incubation Strategist. I help artists and entrepreneurs attract a TRIBE for their ideas, businesses and movements.