Exponential Growth with CubicFarms

Agency Media
The Agency Media Blog
3 min readJan 17, 2017

Welcome to our first mini case study. In this monthly series, we highlight an awesome client and the content that’s skyrocketing their business success.

When we started working with CubicFarm Systems, they had a revolutionary concept that had been tested in the real world and was ready for market. But they didn’t have the strong brand or collateral to share this concept with potential growers. Building on a number of platforms, we worked with CubicFarms to establish their brand, expand their message, and increase their exposure.

CubicFarm Systems is an innovative container farming system that allows producers to grow crops locally and year-round. Their technology uses way less water than standard methods and can scale to any size production. Basically, it’s the coolest thing happening in the horticulture industry.

To create a strong foundation for CubicFarms, we began by building a horticulture-focused brand that represented their forward-thinking product and approachable mindset. Once this was established, we developed a website that reflects this branding and provides clear information for potential cubic farmers. We also applied their brand to business cards, posters, and a grower manual.

Exponential Growth with CubicFarms | Agency Media

To introduce CubicFarm Systems to the local market, we hosted a launch event at SKY Hangar. We were honoured to host a hangar full of people who are passionate about innovation, sustainability, and good food — including BC Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Norm Letnick and BC Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development and Minister Responsible for TransLink, Hon. Peter Fassbender. Moxie’s Grill & Bar Executive Chef Brandon Thordarson crafted lettuce wraps with CubicFarm greens and guests were able to take a look at an actual cubic farm.

To offer interested visitors from all over the world an inside look at the cubic farming process, we filmed a number of videos. We added a looping video to their home page, posted a launch event wrap up video to Facebook, and embedded more in-depth process videos throughout their website. This footage allows viewers to tour a cubic farming setup and get a sense of the scale of this technology.

It was also important to expand awareness of CubicFarms throughout their industry and target audience. We approached the editors of Hortidaily, an international publication for the horticulture industry, to share CubicFarms’ innovative story. Hortidaily published an article “Canadian companies to sprout large scale CubicFarms” highlighting the company and founders Jack and Leo Benne. It was one of Hortidaily’s top 5 posts of the week and it was featured as one of Indoor Ag’s top reads in their regular newsletter. This coverage increased visits to the CubicFarms website and overwhelmed their team with inquiries.

Exponential Growth with CubicFarms | Agency Media

Developing a long term working relationship with CubicFarms has allowed us to assist their growth in every stage. From establishing their brand to increasing their exposure through media coverage, CubicFarms has been equipped with compelling and relevant content that shares their story. What’s next? Well, we’re brainstorming new content and new methods of continuing that growth.

Ready to experience some CubicFarms-style growth? Get in touch.



Agency Media
The Agency Media Blog

Design, web, video + social agency. We spend our work hours building content that gets results and our off-work hours reading up on the latest industry trends.