The Best of January At Agency Media

Colleen Little
The Agency Media Blog
3 min readJan 27, 2018

How to better transition into 2018 then wrapping up one event and running head first into another? We were barely into the new year before we were already moving forward on one of our biggest projects to date.

While our social, web, and content team were vamping up our new event, our video team was filming all over—from along the Sea to Sky to up north in the Alberta winter. I’ve summarized some of our most exciting projects this month. Check out what what Agency has been doing this January.

Brush Naked

Brush Naked has long been a favourite brand to work with in our office. From brand and social to web and video, we’ve gotten the opportunity to walk alongside this brand for quite awhile. Recently, we completed the filming for their new commercial. Below is a little behind the scenes from the video shoot and easily one of our favourite (and funniest) videos sets yet.

Check out Brush Naked’s Facebook page for the video reveal!

Coastal Drone Co.

We’ve also been working closely with the newest member of the Westlund Group — Forge & Smith. These web wizards helped us launch the site for one of the group’s newer brands, Coastal Drone Co. The drone company offers everything you could need for drone use, from pilot courses to drone services. The biggest leap for Coastal so far? Getting their first online course up and open for registration. We’re giving you a little preview of the course below.

Canadian Internet Marketing Conference

While we’re not an events company, we just can’t stay away from them. Our next endeavour is the Canadian Internet Marketing Conference. This event happens once a year in Squamish, BC, gathering marketers from all over the West Coast to hear from a lineup of business elite on the latest trends in online marketing.

We’ve taken a little twist on the event this year, adding some new themes and new speakers. We’ll be rubbing shoulders with speakers like Rashel Hariri from McDonalds Canada, Vik Kambli from Facebook and Instagram, Michelle Slater from Twitter, David Labistour from MEC, and many more.

If you’re looking to get in on the latest marketing trends, you’re in luck—our early bird tickets just launched (find them here). We’ll be working for the next few months on this one so look out for some new exclusives we’ll be sharing later on the blog!

