Dear Agile,

Stuart Rimell
The Agile Weekly
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2015

It’s been a while since we last spoke so I thought I’d get in touch. I have to say that, what with everything going on I’m a little concerned for your welfare and I thought I’d drop you a line to check that you’re alright.

How are you my dear friend? Things have really changed over the past few years haven’t they? I dunno….you spill your heart out in describing a few values that you think might be useful to some folks and the next thing you know you’re the cause and the solution to all of life’s problems!

Do you ever feel misunderstood? Do you ever feel that you’ve created a monster? That things have gotten a bit out of control? Don’t get me wrong, it’s not you, it’s me … it’s the others. We’ve stretched you from pillar to post, you’ve been bent and inflated and pimped and scaled and beaten and idolised and blamed and … it must be exhausting, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

I’ve gotta say, between me and you, I’ve heard your name being used to justify all sorts of nonsense. In fact I jest but I reckon there’s barely a sentence that’s been uttered in an organisation over the past 5 years that couldn’t have been followed by “Well that’s Agile isn’t it” and a knowing nod of the head. And you know what? It’s not your fault, so don’t feel bad.

You know really, I just wanted to say that there are still some of us out there who appreciate what you did, what you tried to do. There are still some of us who believe in embracing humanity at work. Yes real individuals and interactions. Real individuals with hopes and dreams and fears and foibles and emotions and needs. And we know that attending to those needs needn’t be contradictory to the needs of business or management or customers or shareholders.

And finally we know that you don’t have all the answers. You never claimed to. Some of those who stood on your shoulders did, but you didn’t. And you know, that’s half the fun isn’t it? Where would be my opportunity to grow if you gave me all the answers? Where would be my opportunity for continuous improvement?

…oh yeah.

So I hope you’re not feeling too down. Chin up, and I won’t leave it so long next time.

All the best,


Follow me on twitter @smrimell



Stuart Rimell
The Agile Weekly

Software, hardware and wetware enthusiast. Comments mine alone. @smrimell on twitter.