How to start agile

Dave Bartlett
The Agilist
Published in
1 min readJan 17, 2016

The first step towards agile can be the hardest — we can end up overwhelmed by the various frameworks, methodologies, practices, and conflicting advice.

But starting is actually very easy.

  1. Set up a cross-functional team. The team must include all skills required to develop the product, and should be familiar with agile, or at least interested in it. Not developing a product? Then maybe agile isn’t for you.
  2. Introduce the team to their customer, or customer proxy who represents the customer’s interests.
  3. Get out of the way. They’ll ask if they need your help.

How can it be that easy? Don’t we need to get everyone certified? Who will be our scrum master? Where’s the accountability?

Valid questions, but really it’s that easy. Agile is an emergent property of empowered individuals working in a collaborative environment.

