Relational AI Interaction Design — Dave Murray-Rust

Sunil Manghani
Turing AI & Arts Forum
3 min readJun 20, 2024


AI & ARTS Webinar Series — Alan Turing Institute

Speaker: Dave Murray-Rust, Associate Professor in Human-Algorithm Interaction Design, TU Delft
Convenor: Sunil Manghani, Organiser, AI & Arts Group, The Alan Turing Institute
Date: 26/04/2024

Dave Murray-Rust’s talk showcases how design approaches can be used to inform the creation of AI technology, with the hope of creating more resonant and humane technologies. It centres around experiential approaches that can give insights into how to work with AI, through prototyping, design methods and embodied practice, using creativity to explore the legibilities and relationalities of AI systems.

Murray-Rust provides examples of creative, visual, experiential projects to look at how design helps us to think into and create AI systems. The common threads through all of these works are the questions of agency and experience as ways to make sense of technological possibilities.

A jumping off point is a discussion of metaphor and AI, looking at some of the conceptual underpinnings that influence the way that we understand technology, and hence how we approach its design. Several projects, mostly based in the Netherlands, will be showcased that inhabit the space between artistic work and critical design. Much of this work is synthetic, asking how we can translate philosophical thought about the entanglements between humans and the wider world into practice. As such, it will touch on more-than-human thinking, as well as ideas from new materialist thinking, or ‘entanglement HCI’, made tangible through grounding in experiences and activities. I’ll also show some approaches to education, looking at how students with varying levels of technicality engage meaningfully with AI and machine learning systems.

Dave Murray-Rust is Associate Professor in Human-Algorithm Interaction Design at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, at TU Delft. He explores the messy terrain between people, data, algorithms and things through a combination of making and thinking to build better futures for humans and AI. He also holds an Honorary Fellowship with the University of Edinburgh.

Further References

Murray-Rust, D., Elsden, C., Nissen, B., Tallyn, E., Pschetz, L., & Speed, C. (2022). Blockchain and Beyond: Understanding Blockchains through Prototypes and Public Engagement. Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.

Murray-Rust, D., Gorkovenko, K., Burnett, D., & Richards, D. (2019). Entangled Ethnography: Towards a collective future understanding. Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium 2019, 1–10.

Murray-Rust, D., Lupetti, M. L., & Nicenboim, I. (2024). Metaphor Gardening: Experiential Engagements for Designing AI Interactions. DRS2024. DRS2024.

Murray-Rust, D., Lupetti, M. L., Nicenboim, I., & van der Hoog, W. (2023). Grasping AI: experiential exercises for designers. AI & Society.

Murray-Rust, D., Nicenboim, I., & Lockton, D. (2022, June 25). Metaphors for designers working with AI. DRS Biennial Conference Series. DRS2022: Bilbao.

Seymour, W., Van Kleek, M., Binns, R., & Murray-Rust, D. (2022). Respect as a Lens for the Design of AI Systems. Proceedings of the 2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 641–652.

Tallyn, E., Revans, J., Morgan, E., Fisken, K., & Murray-Rust, D. (2021). Enacting the Last Mile: Experiences of Smart Contracts in Courier Deliveries. Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–14.

Tallyn, E., Revans, J., Morgan, E., & Murray-Rust, D. (2020). GeoPact: Engaging publics in location-aware smart contracts through technological assemblies. Designing Interactive Systems 2020 Conference, 799–811.

Tsiakas, K., & Murray-Rust, D. (2024). Unpacking Human-AI interactions: From interaction primitives to a design space. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems.

van Kleek, M., Murray-Rust, D., Guy, A., O’Hara, K., & Shadbolt, N. (2016). Computationally mediated pro-social deception. Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction 2016, 552–563.

Yurrita, M., Draws, T., Balayn, A., Murray-Rust, D., Tintarev, N., & Bozzon, A. (2023). Disentangling Fairness Perceptions in Algorithmic Decision-Making: The Effects of Explanations, Human Oversight, and Contestability. Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–21.




Sunil Manghani
Turing AI & Arts Forum

Professor of Theory, Practice & Critique at University of Southampton, Fellow of Alan Turing Institute for AI, and managing editor of Theory, Culture & Society.