Guillaume Slizewicz

Beth Jochim
The AI Art Corner
Published in
Oct 11, 2020

AI Artists Directory

Credit: Guillaume Slizewicz

Guillaume Slizewicz is a French designer living in Brussels, Belgium. He is a member of Algolit and Urban Species. He focuses on the unexpected behavior that glitches provoke and the surprise created by misused hardware systems and hijacked algorithms.

Twitter: @Guillaume_Slize
Instagram: @guillaume_slizewicz/

Art+AI Expertise

In the last years I have been experimenting with machine learning linked to computer vision and NLP. I have no background in computer science so most of my work is about understanding and taming the technology, exploring algorithms, their dataset and the effect they have.

Work with AI

“Latent Landscape from Brittany”, GROW, Paris 2018. With Urban Species: — “The Devogram”, a political amplifier for the urban environment, ISCMA: Art Machines 2019 in Hong Kong — The Devogram was selected by Luba Elliott to be part of the AI Art Gallery of NeurIPS in 2019 in Vancouver. With Algolit: — “algorithmic reading of Bertillon’s spoken portrait” in Data Workers, the Mundaneum, Mons 2019 — RE-IMAGINING AI with Cristina Cochior, HeK/IXDM, Basel.


The impact of what is called today “AI” (neural network-based and machine learning algorithms based on big dataset) is unclear. Lately, it seemed to lean towards increasing inequalities and prejudices but I hope it could also be used as a tool for a fairer society.

Note: The AI Artists Directory has been previously featured on Cueva Gallery’s website.

Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Image by Guillaume Slizewicz.



Beth Jochim
The AI Art Corner

I am a Content Curator, Writer and Consultant with a focus on AI, Creative AI and Digital Art.