Harshit Agrawal

Beth Jochim
The AI Art Corner
Published in
Oct 11, 2020

AI Artists Directory

Credit: Harshit Agrawal

Harshit Agrawal is an artificial intelligence and new media artist. Through his practice, he explores what he calls ‘human-machine creativity continuum’- the melding of human and machine creative agency. He uses machines and algorithms and often creates them, embracing the cyborg artist.

Website: http://harshitagrawal.com/
Twitter: @harshitrnnh
Instagram: @harshitrnnh

Art+AI Expertise

Visual traditional culture and A.I, establishing the cultural contexts of AI art. Conceptually driven works- inviting the audience to reflect on their relation with AI. Visual and hardware based interactive work. Academically journaled articles too along with media (BBC, NYT etc)

Work with AI

Harshit was among the 7 AI art pioneers in one of the world’s first A.I. art shows in a contemporary gallery (Gradient Descent show held at Nature Morte gallery in 2018). His work is part of the permanent exhibition at the largest computer science museum in the world, HNF museum, Germany.

He has exhibited work at the Ars Electronica Festival (Austria), Tate Modern (UK), Asia Culture Center (Korea), QUT Art Museum (Australia), Museum of Tomorrow (Brazil). His work has been covered in BBC, New York Times, as one of the founding artists of a new form of art.


AI is challenging us to question a lot of our pre-conceived notions, creating art with data that reflects societal perceptions in their true essence, rather than an individual reading of it- creating art with this is very powerful as a means of bringing forth various narratives.

Note: The AI Artists Directory has been previously featured on Cueva Gallery’s website.

Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Image by Harshit Agrawal.



Beth Jochim
The AI Art Corner

I am a Content Curator, Writer and Consultant with a focus on AI, Creative AI and Digital Art.