Jake Elwes

Beth Jochim
The AI Art Corner
Published in
Oct 11, 2020

AI Artists Directory

Credit: Jake Elwes

Jake is an artist and public speaker living and working in London. He has graduated with a BA in Fine Art from the Slade School of Fine Art (UCL) in 2017. His work investigates the philosophy and ethics behind Artificial Intelligence.

Website: https://www.jakeelwes.com
Twitter: @JakeElwes
Instagram: @jakeelwes

Art+AI Expertise

His recent works have looked at machine learning and artificial intelligence research, exploring the code, philosophy and ethics behind it. He engages with both the history and tropes of fine art and the possibilities and consequences of digital technology.

Work with AI

Current/Upcoming Shows:

2019 — Mind the Deep — Artificial Intelligence and Artistic Creation, Ming Contemporary Art Museum (McaM), Shanghai, China
2019 — Forschungsfall Nachtigall, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin (Natural History Museum), Germany
2019–2021 — Writing the History of the Future, ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany
2019–2020 — Deux Ex Machina, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón, Spain
2020 — Future U: Body / Mind / Machine, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne, Australia”


AI is used by governments and researchers without considering pressing issues such as representation and bias. Artist can take a leading role in contributing to philosophical and ethical discussions that are not always priorities for scientists, unveiling its hidden capabilities.

Note: The AI Artists Directory has been previously featured on Cueva Gallery’s website.

Except where otherwise noted this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Image by Jake Elwes.



Beth Jochim
The AI Art Corner

I am a Content Curator, Writer and Consultant with a focus on AI, Creative AI and Digital Art.