Ross Goodwin

Beth Jochim
The AI Art Corner
Published in
Oct 13, 2020

AI Artists Directory

Credit: Ross Goodwin

Artist, creative technologist, writer of writers. Graduate of NYU ITP & MIT; former Obama administration ghostwriter. Employs machine learning, natural language processing, other computational tools to realize new forms & interfaces for written language.

Twitter: @rossgoodwin

Art+AI Expertise

Computational creative writing; new forms & interfaces for writing enabled by machine intelligence

Work with AI, Narrated Reality, SUNSPRING (with Oscar Sharp), 1 the Road, Please Feed The Lions (with Es Devlin), Chain Tripping (with YACHT)


In the 19th century, many believed the camera would render painting obsolete. Instead, photography set painting free & catalyzed the great art movements of the 20th century. AI is like a camera for writing, for images that don’t exist in reality, &c. Untold possibilities await.

Note: The AI Artists Directory has been previously featured on Cueva Gallery’s website.

Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Image by Ross Goodwin.



Beth Jochim
The AI Art Corner

I am a Content Curator, Writer and Consultant with a focus on AI, Creative AI and Digital Art.