The Immersive KIND Launches the Extended Reality “AR ART LENS” Limited Edition

Beth Jochim
The AI Art Corner
Published in
4 min readApr 21, 2021


Written by Beth Jochim

[Fig.1] “Hero” shot — AR ART LENS, credit: Damara Inglês, LENS artist x The Immersive KIND

Immersive Technologies and Digital Fashion are coming together in the collaboration of The Immersive KIND with Mission Statement Magazine (MSM).

The project expands the research into immersive technologies and showcases how The Immersive KIND applies them to push digital fashion forward. CEO and Creative Technologist at The Immersive KIND, Kadine James, XR artist and Co-Founder, Lucy Wheeler, and XR designer Damara Inglês have designed and produced a limited edition virtual wearable to celebrate The Social Experiment, the first printed edition of Mission Statement Magazine.

The collaboration with the magazine — which is headquartered in London and is a new and unconventional platform for cutting-edge stories about art, fashion, and culture — aims to offer an immersive and interactive experience through a greater understanding of digital fashion. The focus of the project is also on bringing different audiences to explore the narratives around these pieces and discovering the storytelling created by the XR designers.

The Immersive KIND digs into themes such as environment, inclusivity, and sustainability, re-imaging new ways of buying, producing and consuming fashion.

“We are delighted to be collaborating with Mission Statement Magazine on their very first printed edition presenting our Limited Edition AR ART LENS. We are breaking new ground: AI, AR, XR and Immersive Technologies are exciting tools to channel creativity into the world of fashion and the creative sector, both here in the UK and around the world.

[Fig.2] AR ART LENS, credit: Damara Inglês, LENS artist x The Immersive KIND

Our designers at The Immersive KIND are pushing fashion forward, constructing new narratives on how we can create without being constrained by physical environments, materials and the cost of making samples. Consumers, who now will get to wear digital “couture” through Extended Reality limited editions, have the chance to experiment with digital fashion through the wonders of social media at a fraction of the cost of real garments. For brands and retailers, this is opening up powerful ways to engage with new and diverse audiences around the world.

For this very special rare edition series of The Immersive KIND X Mission Statement Magazine, we will be embedding blockchain technology into our digital collection, adding the possibility of tracking ownership. We are moving into a new realm of fashion tech with new business models, empowering designers and consumers. I am truly excited about these innovations, which allow us all to think differently and find ways to create a more sustainable and inclusive industry through technology.” — Kadine James, CEO and Creative Technologist.

[Fig. 3] Lucy Wheeler is wearing the IK filter x MSM designed by artist Damara Inglês, LENS artist x The Immersive KIND. Credit: Damara Inglês

A full immersive experience will be offered to the public who will have the opportunity to virtually wear the garments. In addition, a campaign will run in parallel with the most imaginative collectors who will be in the spotlight in The Immersive KIND’s online showroom.

The Event: Super Scarce Limited Edition — The Immersive KIND x Mission Statement Magazine

On the featured Immersive Kind cover edition for Mission Statement Magazine, a QR code grants access to an augmented reality experience available through any device that supports Instagram app. Digital consumers are invited to share their experience of XR couture via Instagram platform tagging @immersivekind. The captured experiences will be shared across the global online URLxIRL 24/7 community of creatives and digital makers from across the globe pushing fashion innovation forward.

The AR Art Lens Filter is online on MSM Instagram profile at this link.

The Immersive KIND edition “IK x MSM filter” designed by Damara Inglês can be found here.

[Fig.4] Kadine James is wearing the IK filter x MSM designed by artist Damara Inglês, LENS artist x The Immersive KIND. Credit: Damara Inglês

About the Mission Statement Magazine

The magazine offers a voice and a space for Millennials and Generation Z, promoting an unconventional environment for the many discussions related to our digital age. It synchronizes with digital spaces and connects communities with ease, overcoming the limits of traditional print magazines.

About The Immersive Kind

The Immersive KIND is a multidisciplinary collective and studio specializing in VR, AR, MR, XR, AI, immersive technologies, and game engine software (such as Blender, Unity, Unreal Engine 4). It offers opportunities for emerging artists, queer communities, and underrepresented voices to foster collaborations and push innovation.


For more information contact Kadine James, CEO, Creative Technologist and Founder of The Immersive KIND: Kadine[at]



Beth Jochim
The AI Art Corner

I am a Content Curator, Writer and Consultant with a focus on AI, Creative AI and Digital Art.