Partner Spotlight: Booz Allen Hamilton

Alex Kotran
The AI Education Project
2 min readSep 29, 2020

The AI Education Project is very happy to finally have the opportunity to spotlight one of our first funders and biggest supporters, Booz Allen Hamilton.

In many ways, we wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for Booz Allen’s visionary seed investment back when all of this existed as a big idea on a short pitch deck. Josh Sullivan, who now leads Modzy, Booz Allen’s enterprise AI platform, listened to our pitch over the phone. It was a short call that couldn’t have lasted more than 30 minutes.

“This sounds really interesting, and your focus on reaching communities outside the tech sector makes a lot of sense. We’re in.”

And, just like that, Josh and Booz Allen gave us the funding we needed to hire our research team and set to work.

Booz Allen has a reputation for backing big ideas in STEM education. They are the lead sponsors for the Data Science Bowl (which Josh personally helps to organize), and has run the STEM Girls 4 Social Good (SG4SG) program since 2014 in partnership with Girls, Inc.

The team at Booz Allen gave us the space to build and experiment—and patiently listened to progress updates without pushing for press releases, social media, or any of the other strings that usually come with corporate philanthropy.

A special shout out and thank you to John Larson, Kathleen Featheringham, Adam Gehl, and the rest of the Analytics team! 🙏

PS: Booz Allen is hiring if you’re looking for your next big career move. See their open positions in data science, analytics, AI/ML here:

