Create a Blog Writer Multi-Agent System using Crewai and Ollama

Plaban Nayak
The AI Forum
Published in
26 min readMay 26, 2024
Multiagent Workflow using CrewAI and Ollama


In technical terms an AI Agent is a software entity designed to perform tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously on behalf of a user or another program. These agents leverage artificial intelligence to make decisions, take actions, and interact with their environment or other systems. Some of the key characteristics of the Agents are as follows :

  1. Autonomy: AI agents operate without constant human intervention. They can perform tasks independently once they are given an objective.
  2. Decision-Making: They use algorithms, rules, and AI models to make decisions based on their perceptions and objectives. This includes evaluating different options and selecting the best course of action.
  3. Learning: Many AI agents incorporate machine learning techniques to improve their performance over time. They can learn from past experiences and adapt to new situations.
  4. Interaction: AI agents can communicate and collaborate with users, other agents, or systems. This interaction can involve natural language processing, sending and receiving data, or performing coordinated tasks.
  5. Specialization: AI agents can be specialized for specific tasks or domains. For instance, some agents might be designed for web browsing, while others might handle database interactions, perform complex calculations, or generate images.
  6. Goal-Oriented: AI agents are typically programmed with specific goals or objectives. They work towards achieving these goals through a sequence of actions and decisions.

In summary, AI agents are powerful tools that can automate and enhance a wide range of activities, from simple repetitive tasks to complex problem-solving scenarios, making them invaluable in various applications and industries.

Imagine harnessing all of the above concepts integrated together and all working together towards predefined goals to achieve desired results. These tasks could be executed in a sequential or hierarchical process, with all the agents working like a coordinated crew. This powerful collaboration can revolutionize how we approach complex problems, making processes more efficient and outcomes more effective. This is where The CrewAI framework comes into picture.

What is CrewAI?

CrewAi is a cutting-edge framework for orchestrating role-playing, autonomous AI agents. By fostering collaborative intelligence, CrewAI empowers agents to work together seamlessly, tackling complex tasks.

Core Concepts — CrewAI

  1. Agents: These are standalone units programmed to perform tasks , make decisions and communicate with other agents. They can use Tools which can be simple search functions or complex integrations involving other chains, APIs, etc.
  2. Tasks: Tasks are assignments or jobs that an AI agent needs to complete. They can include additional information like which agent should do it and what tools they might need.
  3. A Crew is a team of agents, each with a specific role, that work together to achieve a common goal. The process of forming a crew involves assembling agents, defining their tasks and establishing a sequence of task execution.

This article aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the CrewAI platform’s components through a CrewAI example.

What is Ollama ?

Ollama is an open-source app that lets you run, create, and share large language models locally with a command-line interface on MacOS ,Linux and windows.

Ollama has access to a wide range of LLMs directly available from their library, which can be downloaded using a single command. Once downloaded, you can start using it through a single command execution. This can be quite helpful for users whose workload revolves around a terminal window. If they are stuck somewhere, they can get an answer without switching to another browser window.

Features and Benefits

Here’s why OLLAMA is a must-have in your toolkit:

  • Simplicity: OLLAMA offers a straightforward setup process. You don’t need a PhD in machine learning to get it up and running.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Running models locally means you’re not racking up cloud costs. Your wallet will thank you.
  • Privacy: With OLLAMA, all data processing happens on your local machine. This is a big win for user privacy.
  • Versatility: OLLAMA is not just for Python aficionados. Its flexibility allows it to be used in various applications, including web development.

LLM Selection using Ollama

By default Openai Models is used as llm in CrewAI. For peak performance with CrewAI crew, consider using GPT-4 or the slightly cheaper GPT-3.5 from OpenAI for your AI agents. These models are the backbone of your agents and significantly impact their capabilities

But here we will use Meta Llama 3,the most capable openly available LLM to date.Meta Llama 3, a family of models developed by Meta Inc. are new state-of-the-art , available in both 8B and 70B parameter sizes (pre-trained or instruction-tuned).

Llama 3 instruction-tuned models are fine-tuned and optimized for dialogue/chat use cases and outperform many of the available open-source chat models on common benchmarks.

Code Implementation

Install required dependencies

  • ollama (Windows)

Go to Ollama and download .exe file:

Download Ollama and install it on Windows. You have the option to use the default model save path, typically located at:


However, if space is limited on the C: partition, it’s recommended to switch to an alternative directory. If you have another partition like D:\, simply:

  1. Right-click on the computer icon on your desktop.
  2. Choose Properties, then navigate to “Advanced system settings”.
  3. Click Environment variables.
  4. In User variables for … insert the absolute path to the directory where you plan to store all models. For example:

An Ollama icon will appear on the bottom bar in Windows. If the program doesn’t initiate, search for it in Windows programs and launch it from there.

Then download the llama3 model from the command prompt

ollama run llama3
  • Crewai
!pip install crewai==0.28.8 crewai_tools==0.1.6 langchain_community==0.0.29

Set up the LLM as Llama3

Create a ModelFile similar the one below in your project directory.

FROM llama3

# Set parameters

PARAMETER temperature 0.8
PARAMETER stop Result

# Sets a custom system message to specify the behavior of the chat assistant

# Leaving it blank for now.

SYSTEM """"""

Run the following command in the command prompt

>>ollama create crewai-llama3 -f .\Modelfile

transferring model data
reading model metadata
creating system layer
creating parameters layer
creating config layer
using already created layer sha256:00e1317cbf74d901080d7100f57580ba8dd8de57203072dc6f668324ba545f29
using already created layer sha256:4fa551d4f938f68b8c1e6afa9d28befb70e3f33f75d0753248d530364aeea40f
using already created layer sha256:8ab4849b038cf0abc5b1c9b8ee1443dca6b93a045c2272180d985126eb40bf6f
writing layer sha256:71f37c09fdf6373a2c6afd11a4d20421862fd722ce465743c2f49f763a639f56
writing layer sha256:045397f468c947b89b22042cb6cf3f3b275c93751c1e66d077f967ff85977d51
writing layer sha256:a5d199f54597766bdf1741b00fc797bec159ae6386feef22d3f062a5fe5dc9ef
writing manifest
from crewai import Agent, Task, Crew
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "NA"

llm = ChatOpenAI(
model = "crewai-llama3",
base_url = "http://localhost:11434/v1")

Create Agents to plan ,write and edit the content for the blogpost

An agent is an autonomous unit programmed to:

  • Perform tasks
  • Make decisions
  • Communicate with other agents

Agent Attributes

Role: Defines the agent’s function within the crew. It determines the kind of tasks the agent is best suited for.

Goal: The individual objective that the agent aims to achieve. It guides the agent’s decision-making process.

Backstory: Provides context to the agent’s role and goal, enriching the interaction and collaboration dynamics.

LLM :(optional)Represents the language model that will run the agent. It dynamically fetches the model name from the OPENAI_MODEL_NAME environment variable, defaulting to "gpt-4" if not specified.

Tools :(optional)Set of capabilities or functions that the agent can use to perform tasks. Expected to be instances of custom classes compatible with the agent's execution environment. Tools are initialized with a default value of an empty list.

Function Calling LLM :(optional)Specifies the language model that will handle the tool calling for this agent, overriding the crew function calling LLM if passed. Default is None.

Max Iter :(optional)The maximum number of iterations the agent can perform before being forced to give its best answer. Default is 25.

Max RPM :(optional)The maximum number of requests per minute the agent can perform to avoid rate limits. It's optional and can be left unspecified, with a default value of None.

max_execution_time :(optional)Maximum execution time for an agent to execute a task It's optional and can be left unspecified, with a default value of None, menaning no max execution time

Verbose: (optional)Setting this to True configures the internal logger to provide detailed execution logs, aiding in debugging and monitoring. Default is False.

Allow Delegation: (optional)Agents can delegate tasks or questions to one another, ensuring that each task is handled by the most suitable agent. Default is True.

Step Callback: (optional)A function that is called after each step of the agent. This can be used to log the agent's actions or to perform other operations. It will overwrite the crew step_callback.

Cache: (optional)Indicates if the agent should use a cache for tool usage. Default is True

Content Planner Agent

planner = Agent(
role="Content Planner",
goal="Plan engaging and factually accurate content on {topic}",
backstory="You're working on planning a blog article "
"about the topic: {topic} in ''."
"You collect information that helps the "
"audience learn something "
"and make informed decisions. "
"You have to prepare a detailed "
"outline and the relevant topics and sub-topics that has to be a part of the"
"Your work is the basis for "
"the Content Writer to write an article on this topic.",

Content Writer Agent

writer = Agent(
role="Content Writer",
goal="Write insightful and factually accurate "
"opinion piece about the topic: {topic}",
backstory="You're working on a writing "
"a new opinion piece about the topic: {topic} in ''. "
"You base your writing on the work of "
"the Content Planner, who provides an outline "
"and relevant context about the topic. "
"You follow the main objectives and "
"direction of the outline, "
"as provide by the Content Planner. "
"You also provide objective and impartial insights "
"and back them up with information "
"provide by the Content Planner. "
"You acknowledge in your opinion piece "
"when your statements are opinions "
"as opposed to objective statements.",

Content Editor Agent

editor = Agent(
goal="Edit a given blog post to align with "
"the writing style of the organization ''. ",
backstory="You are an editor who receives a blog post "
"from the Content Writer. "
"Your goal is to review the blog post "
"to ensure that it follows journalistic best practices,"
"provides balanced viewpoints "
"when providing opinions or assertions, "
"and also avoids major controversial topics "
"or opinions when possible.",

Create Task

Tasks within crewAI can be collaborative, requiring multiple agents to work together. This is managed through the task properties and orchestrated by the Crew’s process, enhancing teamwork and efficiency.

Task Attributes

Description: A clear, concise statement of what the task entails.

Agent: The agent responsible for the task, assigned either directly or by the crew’s process.

Expected Output: A detailed description of what the task’s completion looks like.

Tools: (optional)The functions or capabilities the agent can utilize to perform the task.

Async Execution: (optional)If set, the task executes asynchronously, allowing progression without waiting for completion.

Context:(optional)Specifies tasks whose outputs are used as context for this task.

Config: (optional)Additional configuration details for the agent executing the task, allowing further customization.

Output JSON :(optional)Outputs a JSON object, requiring an OpenAI client. Only one output format can be set.

Output Pydantic :(optional)Outputs a Pydantic model object, requiring an OpenAI client. Only one output format can be set.

Output File: (optional)Saves the task output to a file. If used with Output JSON or Output Pydantic, specifies how the output is saved.

Callback:(optional)A Python callable that is executed with the task's output upon completion.

Human Input :(optional)Indicates if the task requires human feedback at the end, useful for tasks needing human oversight.

Create planner task

plan = Task(
"1. Prioritize the latest trends, key players, "
"and noteworthy news on {topic}.\n"
"2. Identify the target audience, considering "
"their interests and pain points.\n"
"3. Develop a detailed content outline including "
"an introduction, key points, and a call to action.\n"
"4. Include SEO keywords and relevant data or sources."
expected_output="A comprehensive content plan document "
"with an outline, audience analysis, "
"SEO keywords, and resources.",

Create Writer Task

write = Task(
"1. Use the content plan to craft a compelling "
"blog post on {topic}.\n"
"2. Incorporate SEO keywords naturally.\n"
"3. Sections/Subtitles are properly named "
"in an engaging manner.\n"
"4. Ensure the post is structured with an "
"engaging introduction, insightful body, "
"and a summarizing conclusion.\n"
"5. Proofread for grammatical errors and "
"alignment with the brand's voice.\n"
expected_output="A well-written blog post "
"in markdown format, ready for publication, "
"each section should have 2 or 3 paragraphs.",

Create Editor Task

edit = Task(
description=("Proofread the given blog post for "
"grammatical errors and "
"alignment with the brand's voice."),
expected_output="A well-written blog post in markdown format, "
"ready for publication, "
"each section should have 2 or 3 paragraphs.",

Note: The benefit of using multiple strings :

varname = "line 1 of text"
"line 2 of text"

versus the triple quote docstring:

varname = """line 1 of text
line 2 of text

is that it can avoid adding those whitespaces and newline characters, making it better formatted to be passed to the LLM.

Creating the Crew

  • Create your crew of Agents
  • Pass the tasks to be performed by those agents.
  • Note: For this simple example, the tasks will be performed sequentially (i.e they are dependent on each other), so the order of the task in the list matters.
  • verbose=2 allows you to see all the logs of the execution.
crew = Crew(
agents=[planner, writer, editor],
tasks=[plan, write, edit],

Run the crew

inputs = {"topic":"Comparative study of LangGraph, Autogen and Crewai for building multi-agent system."}
result = crew.kickoff(inputs=inputs)


[DEBUG]: == Working Agent: Content Planner
[INFO]: == Starting Task: 1. Prioritize the latest trends, key players, and noteworthy news on Comparative study of LangGraph, Autogen and Crewai for building multi-agent system..
2. Identify the target audience, considering their interests and pain points.
3. Develop a detailed content outline including an introduction, key points, and a call to action.
4. Include SEO keywords and relevant data or sources.

> Entering new CrewAgentExecutor chain...
Final Answer:

**Comprehensive Content Plan Document**

**Target Audience Analysis**

The target audience for this article will be individuals with a background in computer science or related fields who are interested in building multi-agent systems. They may be researchers, students, or professionals looking to learn more about the latest trends and technologies in this field. The pain points of this audience include:

* Limited understanding of the differences between LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai
* Difficulty in selecting the best technology for their specific needs
* Desire to stay updated on the latest developments in multi-agent system building

**Content Outline**

I. **Introduction**

* Definition of multi-agent systems and importance in various fields (AI, robotics, logistics)
* Brief overview of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai
* Thesis statement: While all three technologies have their strengths and weaknesses, a comparative study reveals that each has its unique advantages for building multi-agent systems.

II. **Comparative Analysis of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai**

A. **LangGraph**

* Overview of LangGraph's features (natural language processing, semantic parsing)
* Advantages: ease of integration with existing NLP frameworks, scalable
* Disadvantages: limited ability to handle complex scenarios

B. **Autogen**

* Overview of Autogen's features (machine learning, data generation)
* Advantages: ability to generate realistic data for training ML models, efficient data processing
* Disadvantages: requires extensive data annotation, may not perform well in noisy environments

C. **Crewai**

* Overview of Crewai's features (rule-based systems, knowledge representation)
* Advantages: allows for explicit knowledge representation and reasoning, scalable
* Disadvantages: requires manual rule development, may not be suitable for complex scenarios

III. **Key Takeaways and Recommendations**

* Summary of comparative analysis
* Recommendations for when to use each technology
* Call to action: start exploring LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai for your next multi-agent system project!

**SEO Keywords and Relevant Data**

* Keywords: LangGraph, Autogen, Crewai, multi-agent systems, AI, robotics, NLP, ML
* Sources:
+ "A Survey on Multi-Agent Systems" by [author name], [publication date]
+ "LangGraph: A Novel Language for Describing Complex Systems" by [author name], [publication date]
+ "Autogen: An Efficient Framework for Data Generation and Processing" by [author name], [publication date]
* Relevant data:
+ Statistics on the growth of multi-agent system applications in various fields (AI, robotics, logistics)
+ Examples of successful multi-agent system implementations using LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai


This comprehensive comparative study provides readers with a deep understanding of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai's features, advantages, and disadvantages. By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each technology, readers will be equipped to make informed decisions when selecting the best tool for their specific multi-agent system building needs.

Thought: I now have given a great answer!

> Finished chain.
[DEBUG]: == [Content Planner] Task output: **Comprehensive Content Plan Document**

**Target Audience Analysis**

The target audience for this article will be individuals with a background in computer science or related fields who are interested in building multi-agent systems. They may be researchers, students, or professionals looking to learn more about the latest trends and technologies in this field. The pain points of this audience include:

* Limited understanding of the differences between LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai
* Difficulty in selecting the best technology for their specific needs
* Desire to stay updated on the latest developments in multi-agent system building

**Content Outline**

I. **Introduction**

* Definition of multi-agent systems and importance in various fields (AI, robotics, logistics)
* Brief overview of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai
* Thesis statement: While all three technologies have their strengths and weaknesses, a comparative study reveals that each has its unique advantages for building multi-agent systems.

II. **Comparative Analysis of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai**

A. **LangGraph**

* Overview of LangGraph's features (natural language processing, semantic parsing)
* Advantages: ease of integration with existing NLP frameworks, scalable
* Disadvantages: limited ability to handle complex scenarios

B. **Autogen**

* Overview of Autogen's features (machine learning, data generation)
* Advantages: ability to generate realistic data for training ML models, efficient data processing
* Disadvantages: requires extensive data annotation, may not perform well in noisy environments

C. **Crewai**

* Overview of Crewai's features (rule-based systems, knowledge representation)
* Advantages: allows for explicit knowledge representation and reasoning, scalable
* Disadvantages: requires manual rule development, may not be suitable for complex scenarios

III. **Key Takeaways and Recommendations**

* Summary of comparative analysis
* Recommendations for when to use each technology
* Call to action: start exploring LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai for your next multi-agent system project!

**SEO Keywords and Relevant Data**

* Keywords: LangGraph, Autogen, Crewai, multi-agent systems, AI, robotics, NLP, ML
* Sources:
+ "A Survey on Multi-Agent Systems" by [author name], [publication date]
+ "LangGraph: A Novel Language for Describing Complex Systems" by [author name], [publication date]
+ "Autogen: An Efficient Framework for Data Generation and Processing" by [author name], [publication date]
* Relevant data:
+ Statistics on the growth of multi-agent system applications in various fields (AI, robotics, logistics)
+ Examples of successful multi-agent system implementations using LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai


This comprehensive comparative study provides readers with a deep understanding of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai's features, advantages, and disadvantages. By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each technology, readers will be equipped to make informed decisions when selecting the best tool for their specific multi-agent system building needs.

Thought: I now have given a great answer!

[DEBUG]: == Working Agent: Content Writer
[INFO]: == Starting Task: 1. Use the content plan to craft a compelling blog post on Comparative study of LangGraph, Autogen and Crewai for building multi-agent system..
2. Incorporate SEO keywords naturally.
3. Sections/Subtitles are properly named in an engaging manner.
4. Ensure the post is structured with an engaging introduction, insightful body, and a summarizing conclusion.
5. Proofread for grammatical errors and alignment with the brand's voice.

> Entering new CrewAgentExecutor chain...
**Thought:** I now can give a great answer!

**Final Answer:**

Comparative Study of LangGraph, Autogen and Crewai for Building Multi-Agent Systems

In recent years, multi-agent systems have gained significant attention across various fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and logistics. These complex systems involve multiple intelligent agents interacting with each other to achieve a common goal. The choice of technology plays a crucial role in building successful multi-agent systems. In this article, we will conduct a comparative study of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai, three prominent technologies used for building multi-agent systems.


A multi-agent system (MAS) is defined as a complex system consisting of multiple intelligent agents interacting with each other to achieve a common goal. The importance of MAS lies in its ability to model real-world systems where multiple autonomous entities interact and adapt to changing environments. LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai are three technologies that have gained significant attention in the field of multi-agent system building.

LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai are all designed to facilitate the development of multi-agent systems by providing efficient ways to represent, reason with, and generate complex knowledge structures. While each technology has its strengths and weaknesses, a comparative study reveals that LangGraph is well-suited for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, Autogen excels in machine learning (ML) and data generation, and Crewai shines in rule-based systems and knowledge representation.

**Comparative Analysis of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai**

### LangGraph

LangGraph is a novel language designed specifically for describing complex systems. Its natural language processing capabilities make it an ideal choice for tasks that require semantic parsing, such as question answering and text summarization. Advantages of using LangGraph include ease of integration with existing NLP frameworks and scalability. However, its limitations are reflected in its inability to handle complex scenarios.

### Autogen

Autogen is a machine learning framework designed to generate realistic data for training ML models efficiently. Its data generation capabilities make it suitable for tasks such as data augmentation, text classification, and image recognition. Advantages of using Autogen include efficient data processing and the ability to generate realistic data. However, Autogen requires extensive data annotation and may not perform well in noisy environments.

### Crewai

Crewai is a rule-based system designed to facilitate knowledge representation and reasoning. Its scalability makes it suitable for large-scale applications, such as expert systems, decision support systems, and intelligent agents. Advantages of using Crewai include its ability to represent complex knowledge structures and scalability. However, Crewai requires manual rule development and may not be suitable for complex scenarios.

**Key Takeaways and Recommendations**

In conclusion, LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai are three technologies that offer distinct strengths in building multi-agent systems. A key takeaway is that each technology has its unique advantages and disadvantages. The choice of technology depends on the specific needs of the application, such as NLP tasks for LangGraph or data generation for Autogen.

Recommendations include:

* Use LangGraph for NLP tasks such as question answering and text summarization.
* Utilize Autogen for machine learning tasks that require efficient data processing and generation of realistic data.
* Apply Crewai for rule-based systems and knowledge representation that require scalability and complex reasoning.

**Call to Action**

The next multi-agent system project requires careful consideration of the choice of technology. LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai offer unique advantages in building successful MASs. Start exploring these technologies today to unlock their potential and reap the rewards of developing cutting-edge multi-agent systems!

Thought: I now have given a great answer!

> Finished chain.
[DEBUG]: == [Content Writer] Task output: **

Comparative Study of LangGraph, Autogen and Crewai for Building Multi-Agent Systems

In recent years, multi-agent systems have gained significant attention across various fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and logistics. These complex systems involve multiple intelligent agents interacting with each other to achieve a common goal. The choice of technology plays a crucial role in building successful multi-agent systems. In this article, we will conduct a comparative study of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai, three prominent technologies used for building multi-agent systems.


A multi-agent system (MAS) is defined as a complex system consisting of multiple intelligent agents interacting with each other to achieve a common goal. The importance of MAS lies in its ability to model real-world systems where multiple autonomous entities interact and adapt to changing environments. LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai are three technologies that have gained significant attention in the field of multi-agent system building.

LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai are all designed to facilitate the development of multi-agent systems by providing efficient ways to represent, reason with, and generate complex knowledge structures. While each technology has its strengths and weaknesses, a comparative study reveals that LangGraph is well-suited for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, Autogen excels in machine learning (ML) and data generation, and Crewai shines in rule-based systems and knowledge representation.

**Comparative Analysis of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai**

### LangGraph

LangGraph is a novel language designed specifically for describing complex systems. Its natural language processing capabilities make it an ideal choice for tasks that require semantic parsing, such as question answering and text summarization. Advantages of using LangGraph include ease of integration with existing NLP frameworks and scalability. However, its limitations are reflected in its inability to handle complex scenarios.

### Autogen

Autogen is a machine learning framework designed to generate realistic data for training ML models efficiently. Its data generation capabilities make it suitable for tasks such as data augmentation, text classification, and image recognition. Advantages of using Autogen include efficient data processing and the ability to generate realistic data. However, Autogen requires extensive data annotation and may not perform well in noisy environments.

### Crewai

Crewai is a rule-based system designed to facilitate knowledge representation and reasoning. Its scalability makes it suitable for large-scale applications, such as expert systems, decision support systems, and intelligent agents. Advantages of using Crewai include its ability to represent complex knowledge structures and scalability. However, Crewai requires manual rule development and may not be suitable for complex scenarios.

**Key Takeaways and Recommendations**

In conclusion, LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai are three technologies that offer distinct strengths in building multi-agent systems. A key takeaway is that each technology has its unique advantages and disadvantages. The choice of technology depends on the specific needs of the application, such as NLP tasks for LangGraph or data generation for Autogen.

Recommendations include:

* Use LangGraph for NLP tasks such as question answering and text summarization.
* Utilize Autogen for machine learning tasks that require efficient data processing and generation of realistic data.
* Apply Crewai for rule-based systems and knowledge representation that require scalability and complex reasoning.

**Call to Action**

The next multi-agent system project requires careful consideration of the choice of technology. LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai offer unique advantages in building successful MASs. Start exploring these technologies today to unlock their potential and reap the rewards of developing cutting-edge multi-agent systems!

Thought: I now have given a great answer!

[DEBUG]: == Working Agent: Editor
[INFO]: == Starting Task: Proofread the given blog post for grammatical errors and alignment with the brand's voice.

> Entering new CrewAgentExecutor chain...
Thought: I now can give a great answer

Final Answer:

Comparative Study of LangGraph, Autogen and Crewai for Building Multi-Agent Systems

In recent years, multi-agent systems have gained significant attention across various fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and logistics. These complex systems involve multiple intelligent agents interacting with each other to achieve a common goal. The choice of technology plays a crucial role in building successful multi-agent systems. In this article, we will conduct a comparative study of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai, three prominent technologies used for building multi-agent systems.


A multi-agent system (MAS) is defined as a complex system consisting of multiple intelligent agents interacting with each other to achieve a common goal. The importance of MAS lies in its ability to model real-world systems where multiple autonomous entities interact and adapt to changing environments. LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai are three technologies that have gained significant attention in the field of multi-agent system building.

LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai are all designed to facilitate the development of multi-agent systems by providing efficient ways to represent, reason with, and generate complex knowledge structures. While each technology has its strengths and weaknesses, a comparative study reveals that LangGraph is well-suited for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, Autogen excels in machine learning (ML) and data generation, and Crewai shines in rule-based systems and knowledge representation.

**Comparative Analysis of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai**

### LangGraph

LangGraph is a novel language designed specifically for describing complex systems. Its natural language processing capabilities make it an ideal choice for tasks that require semantic parsing, such as question answering and text summarization. Advantages of using LangGraph include ease of integration with existing NLP frameworks and scalability. However, its limitations are reflected in its inability to handle complex scenarios.

### Autogen

Autogen is a machine learning framework designed to generate realistic data for training ML models efficiently. Its data generation capabilities make it suitable for tasks such as data augmentation, text classification, and image recognition. Advantages of using Autogen include efficient data processing and the ability to generate realistic data. However, Autogen requires extensive data annotation and may not perform well in noisy environments.

### Crewai

Crewai is a rule-based system designed to facilitate knowledge representation and reasoning. Its scalability makes it suitable for large-scale applications, such as expert systems, decision support systems, and intelligent agents. Advantages of using Crewai include its ability to represent complex knowledge structures and scalability. However, Crewai requires manual rule development and may not be suitable for complex scenarios.

**Key Takeaways and Recommendations**

In conclusion, LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai are three technologies that offer distinct strengths in building multi-agent systems. A key takeaway is that each technology has its unique advantages and disadvantages. The choice of technology depends on the specific needs of the application, such as NLP tasks for LangGraph or data generation for Autogen.

Recommendations include:

* Use LangGraph for NLP tasks such as question answering and text summarization.
* Utilize Autogen for machine learning tasks that require efficient data processing and generation of realistic data.
* Apply Crewai for rule-based systems and knowledge representation that require scalability and complex reasoning.

**Call to Action**

The next multi-agent system project requires careful consideration of the choice of technology. LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai offer unique advantages in building successful MASs. Start exploring these technologies today to unlock their potential and reap the rewards of developing cutting-edge multi-agent systems!

> Finished chain.
[DEBUG]: == [Editor] Task output: Comparative Study of LangGraph, Autogen and Crewai for Building Multi-Agent Systems

In recent years, multi-agent systems have gained significant attention across various fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and logistics. These complex systems involve multiple intelligent agents interacting with each other to achieve a common goal. The choice of technology plays a crucial role in building successful multi-agent systems. In this article, we will conduct a comparative study of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai, three prominent technologies used for building multi-agent systems.


A multi-agent system (MAS) is defined as a complex system consisting of multiple intelligent agents interacting with each other to achieve a common goal. The importance of MAS lies in its ability to model real-world systems where multiple autonomous entities interact and adapt to changing environments. LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai are three technologies that have gained significant attention in the field of multi-agent system building.

LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai are all designed to facilitate the development of multi-agent systems by providing efficient ways to represent, reason with, and generate complex knowledge structures. While each technology has its strengths and weaknesses, a comparative study reveals that LangGraph is well-suited for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, Autogen excels in machine learning (ML) and data generation, and Crewai shines in rule-based systems and knowledge representation.

**Comparative Analysis of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai**

### LangGraph

LangGraph is a novel language designed specifically for describing complex systems. Its natural language processing capabilities make it an ideal choice for tasks that require semantic parsing, such as question answering and text summarization. Advantages of using LangGraph include ease of integration with existing NLP frameworks and scalability. However, its limitations are reflected in its inability to handle complex scenarios.

### Autogen

Autogen is a machine learning framework designed to generate realistic data for training ML models efficiently. Its data generation capabilities make it suitable for tasks such as data augmentation, text classification, and image recognition. Advantages of using Autogen include efficient data processing and the ability to generate realistic data. However, Autogen requires extensive data annotation and may not perform well in noisy environments.

### Crewai

Crewai is a rule-based system designed to facilitate knowledge representation and reasoning. Its scalability makes it suitable for large-scale applications, such as expert systems, decision support systems, and intelligent agents. Advantages of using Crewai include its ability to represent complex knowledge structures and scalability. However, Crewai requires manual rule development and may not be suitable for complex scenarios.

**Key Takeaways and Recommendations**

In conclusion, LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai are three technologies that offer distinct strengths in building multi-agent systems. A key takeaway is that each technology has its unique advantages and disadvantages. The choice of technology depends on the specific needs of the application, such as NLP tasks for LangGraph or data generation for Autogen.

Recommendations include:

* Use LangGraph for NLP tasks such as question answering and text summarization.
* Utilize Autogen for machine learning tasks that require efficient data processing and generation of realistic data.
* Apply Crewai for rule-based systems and knowledge representation that require scalability and complex reasoning.

**Call to Action**

The next multi-agent system project requires careful consideration of the choice of technology. LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai offer unique advantages in building successful MASs. Start exploring these technologies today to unlock their potential and reap the rewards of developing cutting-edge multi-agent systems!

Display the result

from IPython.display import Markdown,display

Below is the output generated by the Agents.

Comparative Study of LangGraph, Autogen and Crewai for Building Multi-Agent Systems

In recent years, multi-agent systems have gained significant attention across various fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and logistics. These complex systems involve multiple intelligent agents interacting with each other to achieve a common goal. The choice of technology plays a crucial role in building successful multi-agent systems. In this article, we will conduct a comparative study of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai, three prominent technologies used for building multi-agent systems.


A multi-agent system (MAS) is defined as a complex system consisting of multiple intelligent agents interacting with each other to achieve a common goal. The importance of MAS lies in its ability to model real-world systems where multiple autonomous entities interact and adapt to changing environments. LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai are three technologies that have gained significant attention in the field of multi-agent system building.

LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai are all designed to facilitate the development of multi-agent systems by providing efficient ways to represent, reason with, and generate complex knowledge structures. While each technology has its strengths and weaknesses, a comparative study reveals that LangGraph is well-suited for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, Autogen excels in machine learning (ML) and data generation, and Crewai shines in rule-based systems and knowledge representation.

Comparative Analysis of LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai


LangGraph is a novel language designed specifically for describing complex systems. Its natural language processing capabilities make it an ideal choice for tasks that require semantic parsing, such as question answering and text summarization. Advantages of using LangGraph include ease of integration with existing NLP frameworks and scalability. However, its limitations are reflected in its inability to handle complex scenarios.


Autogen is a machine learning framework designed to generate realistic data for training ML models efficiently. Its data generation capabilities make it suitable for tasks such as data augmentation, text classification, and image recognition. Advantages of using Autogen include efficient data processing and the ability to generate realistic data. However, Autogen requires extensive data annotation and may not perform well in noisy environments.


Crewai is a rule-based system designed to facilitate knowledge representation and reasoning. Its scalability makes it suitable for large-scale applications, such as expert systems, decision support systems, and intelligent agents. Advantages of using Crewai include its ability to represent complex knowledge structures and scalability. However, Crewai requires manual rule development and may not be suitable for complex scenarios.

Key Takeaways and Recommendations

In conclusion, LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai are three technologies that offer distinct strengths in building multi-agent systems. A key takeaway is that each technology has its unique advantages and disadvantages. The choice of technology depends on the specific needs of the application, such as NLP tasks for LangGraph or data generation for Autogen.

Recommendations include:

  • Use LangGraph for NLP tasks such as question answering and text summarization.
  • Utilize Autogen for machine learning tasks that require efficient data processing and generation of realistic data.
  • Apply Crewai for rule-based systems and knowledge representation that require scalability and complex reasoning.

Call to Action

The next multi-agent system project requires careful consideration of the choice of technology. LangGraph, Autogen, and Crewai offer unique advantages in building successful MASs. Start exploring these technologies today to unlock their potential and reap the rewards of developing cutting-edge multi-agent systems!


Here we have implemented a blog writer agent and have demonstrated how agents autonomously coordinate among themselves to archive the final goal. Here we have implemented a Sequential multiagent process where the task of content planner becomes an input to the content writer task and there after content writer task’s output is further processed by the content editor. CrewAI also has the ability to execute tasks in a hierarchy and also as a combination of both process.


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