5 Ways I’m Using AI to Make Money in 2023

These doubled my income last year

Kristen Walters
Adventures In AI


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I’ve been using AI tools to help grow my one-woman business for the past year.

Honestly, it’s been a game-changer.

For example, with the help of AI, I was able to DOUBLE my income last year without working more hours.

My business model didn’t change. I didn’t hire anyone. The only thing that changed was how I used AI to work more productively and efficiently.

So I thought I’d share some of the ways that I’m currently using AI to make money in 2023.

1. YouTube

Canva Pro license

I’ve been creating faceless YouTube channels for a few years now.

At this point, I have a few dozen channels in various “boring” niches. But combined, they add up to a substantial monthly income from both YouTube Adsense and affiliate products.

Most of the videos I create are evergreen, meaning the content should be relevant for at least a few years.

I also create videos around products that I can promote using an affiliate link, so the videos start earning right…

