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The AI Tools Digest
The AI Tools Digest
4 min readDec 30, 2022

The AI Tools Digest is publication that aims to provide professionals, executives and non-techies with a reliable source of information and insights on the latest and most innovative AI tools and technologies for the workplace.

As the use of AI continues to grow in the office, it is becoming increasingly important for professionals and executives to stay informed and educated on the capabilities and applications of these tools in order to stay competitive and improve their work productivity.

The Misconception — AI tools are different from AI technology

  1. What are AI tools: AI tools are like computer programs and apps that use smart technology to do certain jobs and solve problems. They can be used in many different fields to make things faster and more efficient.
  2. AI tools vs AI: AI tools are the specific programs or apps that use smart technology to do certain jobs, while AI is the smart technology that makes it possible for machines to do things that usually only people can do, like understanding language or recognizing pictures.

Our publication is focused on AI tools and its applications for office professionals, executives and non-techies. — For instance, generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, Copy.ai, Jasper, Writesonic, Tome, Synthesia.io etc.

Why This Publication

  • To provide a reliable source of information and insights on the latest and most innovative AI tools and technologies
  • To educate professionals, executives and non-techies on the capabilities and applications of AI tools for them to incorporate in their daily lives
  • To help professionals and executives stay informed and competitive in the ever-evolving field of AI tools
  • To provide a platform for professionals and executives to share their own experiences and insights on AI tools and technologies
  • To foster a community of professionals and executives interested in the advancement and application of AI tools

Who this publication is for

  • Non-coders and programmers who are looking for user-friendly and accessible AI tools to improve their work and their lives
  • Professionals who want to improve their efficiency and productivity using AI tools but don’t know where to start
  • Anyone who is looking for practical, relevant and actionable tips and strategies related to AI applications.

Goals of this publication

  1. To provide high-quality, informative, and relevant content on the latest and most innovative AI tools and technologies.
  2. To become a trusted and respected source of information and insights on AI tools and technologies for professionals and executives.
  3. To create a platform where professionals and executives can share their own experiences and insights on AI tools and technologies.
  4. To increase awareness and understanding of the capabilities and applications of AI tools among professionals and executives.
  5. To foster collaboration and networking opportunities among professionals and executives interested in AI.
  6. To be a leader in the field of AI tools and technologies, providing a comprehensive and up-to-date resource for professionals and executives.

Why this publication will be valuable for you

  1. AI is becoming increasingly important in the workplace: As AI technology continues to advance, professionals are also interested in upskill so as to stay relevant and competitive in the employment market. Companies are looking to implement AI tools to improve efficiency and productivity at the workplace.
  2. Focuses on practical and relevant tools: The publication focuses on providing useful, applicable and practical AI tools that are relevant to professionals, so they can use them in their everyday work and improve their productivity. The publication aims to provide less theory and more actionable tips and strategies.
  3. Stay informed and stay ahead of the curve: The AI industry is constantly evolving, and it can be challenging to keep up with the latest developments.
  4. Accessibility for non-coders and programmers: Many AI tools require coding skills, but this publication focuses on tools that are user-friendly and accessible to non-coders and programmers.
  5. Diverse range of topics: The publication covers a wide range of AI topics, from natural language processing, computer vision, machine learning, automation and more. This will provide readers with a holistic understanding of the AI landscape.


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About the founder

I am Pang, and I am an artist, video producer, and AI enthusiast. I come from a non-technical background in marketing and communications, but I discovered the boundless potential of AI in terms of productivity. I am passionate about exploring the many ways AI can be implemented in the workplace and I want to share my knowledge and insights with others through this publication. My goal is to help others jump on the bandwagon of AI and supercharge their lives.

If you’re interested in collaborating, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Let’s embrace AI together!

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(This content was produced with assistance from Chat GPT)

