4 Productivity Tips for Serious Entrepreneurs

JaQuan Bryant
The Aim
Published in
5 min readMar 28, 2018

Entrepreneurs should be working on their business 24/7. Whenever you’re awake, you should be working on your business. However, this mentality is actually slowing your progress down.

Gary Vaynerchuk is one of biggest role models. He has taught me ton since I have discovered him. However, one thing that he is known to preach is the fact that you should always be focusing on your business. To be honest, he is right and I do the same. However, I believe most entrepreneurs take this out of context.

You can spend 18 hours on your business per day, but are you actually getting any work done? And I mean quality, important work, not things like phone calls or emails that simply make you FEEL like you’ve been working a shit ton. To be honest, I felt like this the other day. I had about 4 calls in a row with clients and afterwards, I felt like I was on some hustle-mode 110% shit, but in reality, I was simply talking to clients. Nothing truly came from it and it did not get us any closer to the goals we have in place.

So, I have determined and laid out 5 tips that I believe will help you ensure that you are doing the most important work and doing it efficiently. Feel free to add some more in the comment section below and if you disagree, please let me know in the comment section below. I love debating on the topic of productivity!

Focus on One Thing at a Time

If you’ve read Gary Keller’s book, The One Thing, then you’ll understand what I am talking about. The one thing is basically the most important thing you should be doing in any given moment.

This is important to do because it allows you to cut the bullshit and get down to the nitty-gritty. Right now, the one thing I am focused on is creating this article. When you know what you need to work on in any given moment, you won’t be tempted to those tasks that make you feel like you are actually progressing.

The thing is this, what is the one thing you should be doing right now, in two hours, today, this week, this month, this year, in 5 years, etc. Determining this will allow you to make sure that you’re doing the right thing all the time.

Make time for rest and fun

It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and not take a break for hours and hours. However, without rest, you’ll burn out and your work will slack.

Most people associate hustle with being busy. However, successful people like Gary Vaynerchuk know how to work smart and be efficient. They are not busy, they are productive. With the extra time they gain by working smart or delegating, they apply it to resting up and having fun.

There are thousands of articles and hundreds of books on sleep and the importance of it, so I won’t go into too much detail. However, I will say that ever since I started to make adequate, quality sleep apart of my life, I have been feeling great. When it comes to play, that is for anything that you enjoy and gets your mind relaxed. That could be be anything such as watching tv, playing soccer, watching porn, playing Xbox, etc.

Delegation is key

One of the key secrets that every successful entrepreneur is the rule to delegate. Hell, that is why businesses have employees, to delegate tasks.

This can seem like laziness or a waste of money (because you’re paying them obviously), but delegating simpler, non-essential tasks can save you a ton of time and allow you to focus on tasks that are truly important. That would include things like phone calls, scheduling meetings, social media updates, etc.

Cashiers at stores, janitors, and even coffee boys are given tasks delegated from the managers to allow the managers to focus on more important things. The managers are given tasks that allow the owner and executives to do even more important work.

Even if you’re a solopreneur, you can delegate tasks via outsourcing. For example, I don’t physically do everything I am tasked to do for my clients. I hire freelancers to create relevant social media posts and schedule them to my clients’ Buffer or Hootesuite account.

There are also hundreds of software applications that can help you out tremendously. Again, Hootesuite allows me to handle all of my social media profiles from one place. Adespresso allows me to run Facebook Ads simply and easily. Feedly allows me to find articles from my favorite blogs and sites a lot easier and under one platform. That’s delegating.

Have a digital to-do list

I absolutely love Todoist. It is a great task manager that ensure that I won’t forget the smallest of things. You need something like this to ensure you’re staying focused and don’t forget about important things.

Paper to-do lists can easily be forgotten at home, torn, or lost/ However, a digital to-do list is a bit harder to lose and most task management apps allow you to set reminders.

What’s even better is the fact you can go into more details on tasks. I always leave a description for each task I add to Todoist. I did the same thing when I was using Wunderlist. No matter what software you use, make sure you detail your tasks so when you come back to it, you’re not confused on why you added it.


I am no where near the productivity levels of millionaire and billionaire entrepreneurs, but I am further along than most. It is important to make sure that you are maximizing your productivity to ensure that you’re always working hard to build your business.

Don’t agree with me? Let me know in the comment section below.

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JaQuan Bryant is a freelance digital marketer who has worked with personal brands, startups, and even politicians. He is also addicted to productivity, growing, spending time with his son, physical activities and fried chicken (especially made by his girlfriend).

