
JaQuan Bryant
The Aim
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2018

Our 3 Guidelines for Success

Follow these guidelines to help us create great content and to increase your success as a writer for The Aim.

I, JaQuan Bryant, created The Aim to inspire individuals like me. I’m nowhere near rich, I am 23, a college dropout, a father, and was married.

I grew up in a single-family home and was far from privileged. In fact, just a year ago, in early 2017, I had just broken up with the mother of my son, sunk into a deep depression, was broke, car-less, not supporting my son, going out and drinking all of the time, worked 20 hours/wk at Sonic Drive-In, and walked over 2 miles to work daily.

Fast-forward a year later and I work a full-time job, am a freelance digital marketer, have a brand new 2018 car, support my son a lot better, am in the best shape I have ever been, not rich nor broke, and learning/growing every single day.

I don’t say this to brag, but to inspire young men that are in the boat I was.

I want to help the young men who are at rock-bottom and have no one to relate too.

I don’t believe I have it all figured out, but I am a lot further than I was a year ago and want to teach that to others. And as I grow daily, I want to share what I am learning and implementing into my life.

We look across Medium, YouTube, social media, and various blogs and find the stereotypical motivation stuff. And that will happen here too, but I want to go deeper. Things I would have loved to know about and want to see here on this publication is:

  • How to recover from rock-bottom when you have no one to help you
  • How to be a better father and deal with your child’s mother
  • What women truly want in a man
  • Mistakes I made in my late teens and early 20s and how you can avoid them
  • The 3 key traits you need to be successful
  • How to be taken seriously when know one believes in you
  • How to stop fucking up your own life

I can go on for days, but I believe you get my drift. I want to help young men with problems they may have and helping them “aim” in the right direction.

Rather it is learning how to be more confident, picking up girls, bettering their health, being a better father, learning how to stick up for themselves, becoming self-reliant, etc., I want The Aim to be a one-stop-shop for all young men who need that extra boost and “aim” in life.

So, here are 3 guidelines that I ask that you respect when writing for The Aim:

1. 700–1200 Words. Occassionally… you can go more!

2. No stealing! Be original!

3. Write from the heart. Again, we want to truly help young men in all areas of their lives, so no sugarcoating.

Simple enough right?

Again, my ultimate mission with The Aim is to help young men improve their quality of life and to “aim” in the right direction.


