The Tao of Blogging, Part 4

The official half way point

Lon Shapiro
The Air Around the Donut’s Hole
3 min readMay 21, 2016


It’s incredible to look back and realize the first post proposing this collaborative book was on May 1st.

Three weeks later, the book is 50% complete! Last week, we had tremendous momentum, with writers not only submitting their own work, but providing leads to other great quotes. There were so many, I was the one trying to keep pace.

This week is another story. We got a few suggestions, but the bigger named writers are not showing as much enthusiasm for our project. (I can’t imagine it has anything to do with compensation, does it?)

In any event, this is where it will become difficult. I hope we can get another 6–7 writers next week. We have a lot of second and third quotes from existing contributors, but I want to try for maximum participation.

And now, without further ado here are three more spreads. (Sorry, smart phone users, I know the images will be small, so I included live text.)

From JoJo Magno I’ve been circulating through the stages of grief like a Maytag washer in a household with quintuplets

The Spin Cycle of Life

Everything in life is the same… until it’s not. With deep loss, everything becomes different; there is only before and after. All we can do is ride out the cycles, share our individual sorrows and begin the arduous journey of healing.

From Pastry Plate Tweets are neither legal nor medical advice

Endangered Species

Reading something longer than 140 characters; listening carefully to someone without distraction; pausing to think about the big questions; expressing emotions other than snark… will they all be killed off by the smart phone?

From Teraisa When your characters start talking back to you, you know you found your ‘write’ voice.

Moderation in all things

When you talk to your characters, you’re imaginative. When your characters talk back to you, you’re a successful writer. But if you start following their advice, you’re institutionalized. Better to take notes and tell them you’ll get back to them.

Share your wisdom with us in a great quote and have the chance to become part of a published collaborative book! Send in your submissions or nominate someone else in the comments below. If you’re shy, send me a private note, or email me here.

Next step, Kickstarter campaign! If anyone has experience in this area, please let me know.

Have a great weekend!



Lon Shapiro
The Air Around the Donut’s Hole

High quality creative & design Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time