The Tao of Blogging, Part 5

Blowing through the next big hurdle

Lon Shapiro
The Air Around the Donut’s Hole


What a great weekend. We got yuuuuge contributions from Alexainie, Denise Smith, Sonny Bohanan. And then we got quotes from some of Medium’s heavy hitters, like Ellie Guzman and Gutbloom. Coming soon are contributions by Todd Hannula 🤓 and David Graham!

Last week’s shout outs should have included Tremaine L. Loadholt, Gemma Kennedy and DayLeeFix for some fantastic referrals.

I thought it was going to get tough at the half way point, but you all came through. We now have 35 quotes, and a few more I need to work through. Plus one that requires approval (are your ears burning yet, Mr. Hassan S. Ali?).

That’s only seventeen (17) quotes to finish the book. We’ll be done before Black Friday!

Thanks everyone, and keep up the good work!

Next order of business. Would anyone be interested in helping with proof reading? I sent each author a link to their spread so they can look over the text and make any suggestions they think might help the book. Pastry Plate gave me some really good feedback on his design, which definitely improved the finished product. (Note to earlier contributors: please send me any feedback you have, as well. I started on this project with no systems in place, and only now realized how to improve the work flow.)

And now, without further ado here are seven more spreads. (Sorry, smart phone users, I know the images will be small, so I included live text.)

From Sarah Williams, Maybe I’m questioning too much by questioning too much? Or maybe I’m not questioning enough… Okay, time for a donut.

Don’t ask, don’t tell

Sometimes a question is an accusation. Sometimes, it’s a response to a question. And sometimes it’s Valley Girl, where everything just sounds like a question. Surrender and let the truth fill you. It’s usually covered with sprinkles.

From Jeannine Harris Why can’t they make a card that says “I love you, Mom, but you’re a pain in the ass”?

Stop clowning around

No matter how good or bad your parents were, it’s on you to build a life. They’ll never change, so even an apology is unlikely. Anger is okay, boundaries are required, but forgiveness is the only way you will ever heal yourself.

From Alexainie’s friend KJ Harris, When everything is awful, throw fried food and mashed potatoes at the situation.


America has a fine tradition of using comfort food to help others in a time of need. Bacon-wrapped maple donuts are great, but when will we provide emotional sustenance to people we care about? Our hearts thank you in advance.

From Alexainie’s friend Ginny Callahan, If patience is a virtue, why does attempting to practice it make me want to commit murder?

Be Brave, Heart

Sometimes you have to break things to get to a better place. Like a piñata… a bad relationship… or the monarchy controlling medieval Scotland. It’s perfectly natural to express anger. Just put down the broadsword when you do.

From Jennifer Brown, I could tell this guy was a great DJ… It was as obvious as his lack of pants.


Some survive college unfazed, living in a cloud of purple haze. Others ride a roller coaster of hormones and navel gazing. We look back on those days as the best of our lives, and recoil in horror at the thought of our kids doing the exact same thing.

From Gutbloom, Not only do I want to eat all of the carbs before me, but once again I am stunned by the recognition that the world is made of carbs.

Galileo was wrong

Even science has its limits. The edges of human knowledge continue to be cloaked in shadows, often covered in sprinkles. The search for meaning pushes us beyond those limitations to a place where we have to go with our “gut” instincts.

From Ellie Guzman, Girl on top? Excuse me, I signed up for sex, not CrossFit.


Up, down, top, bottom, front, back, inside, outside, upside down, it doesn’t matter how, when or why. Just find what makes you happy and do it. And if you can find that special someone to share the fun, that’s just icing on the cake donut.

34. I need to either do do something drastic with my life or do nothing at all. Sometimes, they’re the same thing. Ryan Hussey

Lessons of youth

Desire is like a jar of pickles. You want those pickles so bad, you either break the jar or hide from it. Over time, you learn the trick to open the jar easily. And then one day, you decide you don’t really need that pickle as much as you thought you did.

35. Whenever I see you, I don’t know how many more times I can see you. Vincent Fulco

Free Will

We blindly swim through life, immersed in finding our way, but oblivious to the choices that are made for us by other people, our health, or the arbitrary, twisted hand of fate. Live fully in the present; there are no guarantees.

Important Decisions

Book dimensions. I designed the book with two thoughts in mind:

  1. Optimal viewing on an iPad (most Kindles have a different screen technology, so all the color will be lost). I uploaded a pdf file to my tablet and it displays beautifully in landscape mode.
  2. Most affordable paperback format. A publishing friend referred me to a site where they cost about $4.00 per copy, plus shipping and handling — about 50% less than Amazon’s Create Space publishing on demand. If people want a copy for themselves or as gifts, we can work out those details. The site also has hardbound options, but they are more expensive. Please contact me if this is something you want.

Proceeds — so far, the idea is to donate 100% of the proceeds to a literacy charity. I have some connections to one non-profit in California, but I’m open to something on a more national scale. If anyone is working in PR or publishing, and you have ideas on how to market the book, please contact me. I’m hoping we can get Amazon to waive or reduce their fees for selling the e-book since everything is going to charity.

Share your wisdom with us in a great quote and have the chance to become part of a published collaborative book! Send in your submissions or nominate someone else by leaving a comment below. If you’re shy, send me a private note, or email me here.

Next step, Kickstarter campaign! If anyone has experience in this area, please let me know.

Have a great weekend!



Lon Shapiro
The Air Around the Donut’s Hole

High quality creative & design Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time