The Tao of Blogging, Part 7

Hitting a completely different wall.

Lon Shapiro
The Air Around the Donut’s Hole
6 min readJun 10, 2016


If you run a normal marathon, you hit the wall at twenty miles. But if you run a 100-mile iron man race, do you hit the wall at a different distance? I set a goal of 52 quotes to create a weekly source of inspiration and it seems like we hit the wall right around 39. I’ve been slogging along, feeling like I’m running in mud. Is it the law of big numbers? Or is it human perception? If I set a goal of 100 quotes, or daily quotes would the wall have come at a different place?

I sent out more invitations last week, but have received few responses. I expanded my search and went on 100 Naked Words, a site for new writers committed to writing a hundred words a day and found some new excited victims… uh… contributors. So that has been cool. The noobies are all excited about being part of something larger, like this project.

I guess with any kind of marathon, patience is a virtue; I guess that’s why I’ve always been a sprinter. [UPDATE 6/8: I’m happy to report we got three more fantastic writers on Wednesday in Joel Leon., Sherry Caris, and Thom Garrett. I guess I just have to have more patience.]

But how about it, people? We currently have forty-seven (47) FORTY-SEVEN contributing writers for the book, so far. Just one more push from everyone and we can finish this thing. There have to be a lot of other great quotes out there by writers not currently in the book. But I need help. Please send me some more actual quotes. Okay, enough with the kvetching.

Selecting a Non-Profit

We’ve been talking about donating the profits from the book to a literacy non-profit. I did some research and found the most highest rated literacy non-profit through, which rates non-profits based on their transparency and financial efficiency:

Child-Aid spends 91% of their money on programs in Central America.

Pratham USA spends 89.6% of their money on programs in India

Developments in Literacy spends 88.3% of their money on programs in Chicago.

Better Basics spends 83.6% of their money on literacy programs in Alabama.

Children’s Literacy Initiative spends 84.9% of their money on literacy programs in Philadelphia.

Chicago Youth Programs spends 91% of their money on literacy and education programs in Chicago.

If anyone wants to do some research and nominate another charity, please let me know in the comments section.

Author Intro Pix

And now for some fun stuff. Last week, I announced the call for donut related photos for the writer intro page. I’m happy to show you our first two author pictures! First, a little motivation for everyone…

Who will join me at Randy’s Donuts in L.A. for a feast and a group photo?

And here is a photo from Letterwriter:

Good job! Who’s next? You know, if you’re on a diet or don’t like donuts, you could always get the donut, take a few shots, and then give it to someone in need.

This Week’s Quotes

And now, without further ado here are this week’s spreads. (Sorry, smart phone users, I know the images will be small, so I included live text.)

From Emilie Remiette Nérieux, “‘Yes but…’ is just a nice wrapping paper for excuses. And I am a pro at wrapping gifts.”

Pasts, Presents and Futures

Some gifts you toss, unwanted, untried. Some gifts you want, come along for the ride. But some gifts, desperately desired though never received, uncover the treasures that stay by your side. Give thanks for the gifts you didn’t get.

From Nerissa Naidoo, “Stopping yourself during a fall into anxiety takes Spiderman-esque reflexes and the self-awareness of a cockroach in a room full of old brown women wearing sandals.”

Watch Your Step

Sometimes, you take one step forward. Sometimes, you take two steps back. And sometimes it’s all you can do to avoid getting stepped on. Consider yourself lucky when life wears sandals instead of jackboots.

From Letterwriter, “Mum could put tissues down her top and they would stay there. What else is that, if not a special gift from God?”

It Comes With the Job

Children marvel at the miracle of the body. Teenagers marvel at the miracle of what we can do with those bodies. Adults marvel at the miracle of creating a new life. Parents marvel at the miracle of how mom could put up with us.

From Joel Leon., “The story will meet you halfway, if you let it.”

Called or Chosen?

A faded line from a half-eaten fortune cookie… the corner of a subway car… the reflection in someone’s eyes… miracles surround us and whisper our name. Will you heed the call of this adventure? To be the Chosen, you have to choose.

From Sherry Caris, “ In the spirit of full disclosure, it was only fair to let loose with one of my most heinous farts before the nuptials.”

True Love is…

For better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, even after those spicy burritos with extra beans and cheese which produce gas that could melt off the Nazi’s face in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

From Thom Garrett, “There’s probably room enough for me to join her in there someday, but the problem is the shape. I can just hear her. ‘Does this urn make my butt look big?’”

State of Grace

There’s a million ways to make love. Sometimes, it’s a 3 a.m. dream come true, bathed in the clock’s glow. Sometimes, it’s a shared smile, fully dressed. And sometimes, it’s just me, carrying your love and laughter in my heart ’til we meet again.

Oh writers of Medium, show your wisdom in one great quote and have the chance to become part of a published collaborative book! Send in your submissions or nominate someone else in the comments below. If you’re shy, send me a private note, or email me here.

Only 6 more spots to go. Please keep searching for those quotes!

Thanks again to everyone who has contributed.



Lon Shapiro
The Air Around the Donut’s Hole

High quality creative & design Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time