Day 3

I broke the blinds

internet sad boy
The Airbnb Nomad
2 min readJan 5, 2017


I woke up to my alarm buzzing against the floor. The Japanese exchange student who slept above me was already up and getting ready to leave. He exited the room and I laid limp in bed for several minutes. Finally, I got up and walked directly to the coffee maker. I opened the biggest can of ground coffee I’d ever seen, which was supposedly from Colombia, and made myself a cup of coffee.

I walked into the living room with my mug of coffee. I quickly put it down as the heat of the handle began to burn my fingers. The room was dark. I looked over at the window, and thought to open the blinds. I walked over and gently pulled down on the pulley. Snap. I’d broken the blinds. They drooped downwards like so ...

I wasn’t quite awake yet, so I didn’t fully comprehend my destruction. I’d been up for ten minutes and already had managed to screw something up.

I realized that sh*t happens, and moved on. I told myself I’d be honest with the guy who’s lived here the longest (and is close to the Airbnb host). I never saw him before I left for work.

During the afternoon, I confessed to a coworker about what I’d done. I felt the need to share my destructive morning.

At 11:14PM I told the housemate about the blinds situation.

He walked over to the blinds, saw the droop, pulled the pulley down and then up, and said…

“Nah, that’s okay. It still works.”

The end ~

