Day 0

Then Experiment, 1-1-17

internet sad boy
The Airbnb Nomad
2 min readJan 2, 2017


The Experiment

Tomorrow I will embark on an open-ended experiment, in which I will live as a nomad through Airbnb. I will live in different neighborhoods, even cities throughout the Bay Area — in attempt to live minimally and explore different social and economic consequences of not being tied down to one specific place, due to not owning or committing to a long-term rental.


I spent 10 months living abroad in Europe (8 in France). During that time I became quite nomadic.


  • Paris: 4 apartments, 4 months
  • Bordeaux: 1 room in a house, 1 month
  • Istanbul: 1 apartment, 1 week
  • Barcelona: 1 apartment, 1 week


  • Paris: 1 hostel, 2 weeks
  • Amsterdam: 2 hostels, 12 days


  • Winery: room on property, 6 weeks
  • Cooking school: shared apartment, 4 weeks
  • Sustainable farm: room on property, 5 weeks

Always on The Move

Throughout the above experiences I was always on the move, by the end owning only what I could fit in a duffle bag. No furniture, no towels, no forks. I’d rent things, and move on. In the beginning I had a ton of crap: books, countless shoes which I never wore, etc. As time passed my wardrobe and personal items dwindled down to the essentials.

Other Insights

When I lived this way I observed a sense of freedom from this degree of flexibility, a lack of ownership which I’d never experienced. My attention shifted from things to experiences. I was forced to adapt quickly to new environments. I began to ask myself what was really required to live comfortably. A bed? Running water? Etc. I started to throw things away that added little value to my life.

I was more deliberate.

If it wasn’t essential I let go of it.

I’m looking forward to digging deeper into these aspects of minimalism.

Location #1: SAN JOSE

I recently started working in San Jose as an engineer. Hence, location number one. I used to work there. So, I’m familiar with the area. I’ll be living in Japantown, which is super central, and only 4 miles from my place of work. The neighborhood is downtown more or less. There are a ton of restaurants and bars, plus a number parks and museums that look interesting. I’m also excited to be living in a fairly urban environment where there’s a lot of street art, which is a personal fascination of mine that I like to photograph.

Why SJ?

I was fighting a 3–4 hour daily commute for several weeks, and decided to live closer to work in order to reclaim this time. I’m serious about long-distance running and amateur filmmaking/photography. I’m hoping this change creates more opportunity for me to focus on these parts of my life in conjunction with a full-time gig.


Tomorrow is move-in day. I spoke with the Airbnb host via text earlier today. I’ll check in at 4PM, meet my roommate, and settle in. I’ll probably start with a stroll around the neighborhood and begin to charter unknown territory.

