#MeetAGradThursday — Aled Davies

Alacrity UK
The Alacrity Foundation
2 min readFeb 16, 2017
(Left) Pratteek Bathula, Aled Davies Jeff Jones and Samantha Cole of Barclays Bank, Lauren Harvison and Kamila Suankulova pose for a photograph after a mentoring session at The Alacrity Foundation on Tuesday the 26th of April. (Centre) Pratteek Bathula, Simon Fraser, Richard East, Daniel Steward, Joe Bloxsome, Matthew White, Simon Gibson, Sir Terry Matthews, Aled Davies, Jordan Alexander, Darren Williams, Onoufrious Mallikkedes, Ben Golding and Lauren Harvison. (Right) Aled Davies.

Originally from West Wales, Ceredigion and later moving to Cardiff for further Education, I gained degrees in two subjects. A Bachelor of Arts in Business and Management at Cardiff Metropolitan and a Masters of Science in Computing from Cardiff University.

I have gained experience working in Entrepreneurial Environments throughout my life, working with my parents in their own business a successful farm shop in West Wales. It was from working here that I got a taste and desire to run my own business and developed a work hard ethic. I later went on to work for Atradius Credit Insurance in the IT department which is what prompted me to go on to study my Masters qualification in Computing.

At Atradius I was working as part of the deployment team, facilitating change and release management of their code throughout its development, from testing through to production whilst collaborating with external development teams. My role included deploying code to the various testing environments and monitoring software quality using the CAST Software tool. As a result of my experience here I have developed a good understanding of Software Development in a large multinational company.

I gained further experience by attending a 12 month placement as a part of my degree. The placement was a pilot scheme for Cardiff University’s — National Software Academy which aims to address the national shortage of skilled programming and software engineering graduates. As an integral part of the software academies success, I developed my skills as a Full Stack Software Developer, working on multiple projects using both Agile and SCRUM Principles to deliver high quality software to multiple Clients.

Over the past year I have been honing my skills in Software Development and Entrepreneurship while working under the mentorship of the Alacrity Foundation.

As the Technical Lead of Codeherent’s Test Environment Management Platform I am in charge of making high-level design choices and maintaining technical standards, including software coding standards, tools, platforms and Software Architecture.

Aled Davies

Co-Founder of Codeherent




Alacrity UK
The Alacrity Foundation

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