Happy Campers

The Alcalde
The Alcalde
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2022

Photographs and words by Jonathan Sherchand

Counselor Andrew Chen jumps off the platform onto the Blob where counselor Allie Garza awaits.

The beginning of August represents the end of summer to most, but to a group of UT students, it marks the start of something special. That group is the Camp Texas counselors. For the uninitiated, Camp Texas is a three-day, two-night sleepaway camp put on by the Texas Exes in Burnet, Texas, for incoming freshmen and transfer students. Paired in groups led by counselors, campers participate in fun activities that promote UT spirit and community. They leave camp with new friends and mentors that will last not only through their UT journey, but a lifetime. I know because before I was a counselor, I was a camper.

I come from Donna, a town in the Rio Grande Valley. I was one of only two people from my high school who were going to attend UT Austin. When I found out about Camp Texas through an email, I instantly knew I had to attend. Now, more than two years later, amid complications caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, I was finally given the pleasure of being a counselor to my amazing campers. I remember back as a camper, I played sand volleyball for the first time, and I was horrible. I was still bad this time at camp, but we played for almost three hours one night until almost 1 a.m. Throughout the night, as people both joined and left the game, I got to hang out with counselors I had not seen in two years and meet new campers. I may have hit the net one too many times, but seeing people laughing, dancing to music, and just having fun reminded me of what Camp Texas and college are all about.

The photos I took this summer capture the magic of being back at camp, in person. They are a glimpse at Camp Texas, a program that has helped me find my home away from home.

Campers and counselors play water volleyball during free time.
Counselor Sydney Arreola blows bubbles before the start of Minute to Win It on day one; Campers hold their candles during Camp Texas’ Passing of the Flame. Campers hear a speech from a counselor about their journey at UT and are welcomed to the UT family.
Campers walk to Act in the Sac finals. The winners of each color group will perform in front of the whole camp, where the executive team then decides the final winner.
Campers skip and sing in the Relay Race during the CT Olympics.
Campers and counselors hold hands and run in a circle to form a giant group hug to close off the Camp Texas session; Camper Sofia Cabello throws a hook ’em after riding down the waterslide.



The Alcalde
The Alcalde

All things University of Texas—sports, feature stories, alumni news, and more—from the magazine of the Texas Exes. Find more at alcalde.texasexes.org.