OxtezBot: a New Baker Monitoring Tool for Tezos

Iryna Gerasymova
The Aleph
Published in
4 min readMay 30, 2023

OxtezBot is a new Telegram notifier bot by Oxhead Alpha. It is a free monitoring tool based on Pyrometer. Adding this bot to your Telegram chats will provide notifications for a list of configured bakers.

This bot is useful to:

  • bakers to monitor their infrastructure
  • delegators to make sure their baker is performing well

It is terse by default and will only send alerts of problem situations. In particular, it will not alert in case of individual missed endorsements. Instead, the “Baker unhealthy” alert will trigger when several endorsements have been missed in a row.

To start the bot click here and press Start.

Setting up a list of bakers

Initially the bot will suggest a tz address for you to monitor. Feel free to replace the random address with an address of your own choosing. You can monitor up to 4 bakers concurrently.

When you send a baker’s tz address to the bot — it will share the stats for the baker and prompt you to watch it.

Press “Watch” to add the baker to your list. You can add up to 4 bakers.

To view all bakers you are watching press the menu button on the bottom left and choose “Manage baker addresses” or type /list in the Message field.

For each baker you can set up an alias so it’s easier to recognize when receiving notifications for more than one baker. You can also mute notifications for a particular baker or unwatch it (remove it from your list).

Setting up notifications

You can configure which alerts you want to receive for the list of bakers you are watching.

To access the notification configuration press on the menu button on the bottom left and choose the option “Configure baker alerts” or type /settings in the Message field.

By default, notifications are configured to be sent on rare events of

  • “Double” — double endorsement, double pre-endorsement, double bake
  • “Health” — baker unhealthy (a couple of endorsements/bakes missed in a row) or baker recovered (if there was a bunch of missed events, but then baker started baking/endorsing regularly)
  • “Deactivation” — deactivation risk (baker has missed too many events in a row and is at risk of being deactivated if nothing is done) and deactivation (baker has been deactivated)

You can also set up alerts on more frequent events that are muted by default:

  • “Baked” — baker created a block
  • “Missed” — baker missed a bake, missed a bonus or missed an endorsement.

Please note: the state of the bell next to each option is not a current status, but rather what will happen if you switch it (desired action).

If more than one event of the same type for the same baker has occurred between alerts, the notification will show the level range for those events:

You can change notifications settings at any time.

Settings apply to all bakers on your list, they cannot be changed for every baker individually.

More information

If you would like to learn more about configuration, block level ranges, icons for each event, please go to Menu → Bot usage information or type /help in the Message field.

If there are any questions/suggestions — please feel free to let us know in the comments.

