The Alternate Narrative: an analysis of “conspiracy theories” and fake news

The Alternate Narrative
26 min readJun 9, 2020

My new favorite show is the one taking place worldwide.

Curious about what’s been going on with “conspiracy theories” and “fake news” lately? Me too.

There are currently millions of people worldwide in search of “truth”, spending hours researching and sharing information they believe to be true, that do not fit the main narrative we know. What are they saying? What is a “conspiracy theory” ? How to actually tell if something is true or not? A tentatively-objective deepdive on journalism, politics, psychology, spirituality and other stuff happening on 🌎 at the moment.



These last months in quarantine have been full of news, one of them definitely being the alleged “fake news / conspiracy theories” spreading like wildfire.

Has everyone gone crazy?

If you’re anything like me you’ve watched TV shows during quarantine. I personally find this saga more fascinating than any show ever, as it’s anchored in our real-life, full of twists and perspectives (+ streaming is free)

Do you want to make your own opinion on all this ?

➡️ What we’re gonna do here is look at some facts I’ve aggregated, discuss, ask questions and try to make our own opinion. I’ve tried to stay as impartial as I could (but it’s still following a process of thoughts that’s mine)

If you haven’t really followed what’s been going on (the answer is A LOT), here’s a recap of things you can take a look at:

These (unusual) facts drop in the mainstream news from time to time.

They are usually quickly dismissed, forgotten, considered irrelevant or are “debunked” (=discredited) by mass media. But there’s starting to be a LOT of them, and I personally haven’t found enough fact-checkings that did a really good job at debunking anything, just saying it was BS without argument (yet I’m trying my best to find good ones for the sake of this article, including by following the main Q debunk thread on Reddit almost daily). I think a lot of people, me included, have been disappointed by journalists not digging deeper into these stories to see what they’d find, simply discarding it altogether without strong arguments.

Note that I am not trying to convince anyone nor taking sides here, just sharing information I’ve gotten researching both narratives, watching enough “regular news” and at least 500h over the years of “alternative info” (my sources are listed below). I found that this journey was both stimulating, humbling (“The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know”) and most importantly a journey of understanding towards other people. I used to love Obama and viscerally hate Trump, I was unable to listen to anyone far-right , and now I’m starting to understand more and more everyone’s viewpoint (still being extremely far from ever voting for a far-right representative). I am truly respectful of anyone’s viewpoint and just here because I love debates :)

If you’re not interested in deep-diving stuff that are labelled by some as “conspiracy theories” you can stop reading now, but I promise that whatever your point-of-view is and will be, it’s a truly exciting and intellectually stimulating path of research / “show”.

Examples of mass media “conspiracy theories” coverage

What’s for sure is that there’s definitely something going on, as mass media wouldn’t all focus their lense on something that is not relevant, would they?

PART 1 — An alternate narrative 📖

Life. You know, people, work, money, love, news …

Try to exit all this for a minute

It’s been a f*** crazy year, so it might help

Just imagine a white piece of paper, for the sake of the exercise

Sometimes, in between work and drinks we have these little Waow moments, like when you hear Elon Musk state that there’s a 99,99..% chance we are not “real” and live in a simulation according to mathematical research, or that parallel worlds probably exist.

Elon Musk explaining why he thinks there’s a 1 in billion chance we live in “base reality”

So let’s try to adopt another point-of view for a few minutes

To help, let’s say it’s might be easier if you accept, only for the sake of the exercise, that at least a majority of “conspiracy theories” you’ve heard could be true. I know, it’s a stretch and we’ll have a few here, but we’re just trying out a hypothesis. Have you seen the Matrix? Consider that this movie might be a pretty good depiction of what is going on in our real life.

What are the theories? 📚

Let’s recap what the “conspiracy theorists” are saying.

Some of them have been talking about it for a long time and I have to say (personal opinion here) I find that the recent events that have kept coming up for the last years, and especially few months, fit perfectly this new narrative, which might be why its fascinating more and more people.

Have you seen President Eisenhower’s great grand daughter’s speech that basically “sums it all up” ?

Or recently looked at the Instagram accounts & comments of people like Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, Tom Hanks, Kirsten Dunst … ?

The least we can say is its not only 100 crazy folks talking about crazy shit — its clearly out in the open

So the main theories are:

  • We’re in an Orwellian-like scenario where there’s a plot against humanity by a group of very powerful and criminal people (called the “Deep State”, “Globalists”, “Cabal” or “Illuminati”) to create a New World Order
  • It has been going on for decades and we’re seeing what seems to be the end of it at the moment
  • Might go back to at least WW1, as many Nazis got recruited by the CIA at the end of the war (CIA operation: Paperclip)
  • Heavy involvement of Hollywood, the US Democratic party, the CIA (and indirectly the media) in it
  • It’s made possible partly because they can control the mind of some people (CIA program: MK Ultra)
  • WHO and the UN aren’t the positive, objective and legitimate organisations we think they are
  • Same for the FED and Central European Bank (that aren’t public)
  • JFK was assassinated because he wanted to terminate this. JFK Junior is alive and could still be fighting this. He might be “Q” (see below)
  • Lots of other stuff including 9/11 was an inside job
  • Trump is on the good side, he was recruited by the Alliance (=good guys from the military) to run for President to terminate this in the first place
  • Coronavirus was man-made

And also, if you dig deeper that:

  • The Cabal is actually (also) a cult of satanic pedophiles
  • Aliens exist
  • Time travel exists (CIA program: Project Looking Glass & Book ‘The last president”)
  • There’s a true fight between light & evil currently going on

Sounds like a reaaally cool movie right? 🎬

This narrative is supported by numerous (honestly more than you would think) people, websites, youtube channels …. (see list below)

So I guess the next question should be:

PART 2 - How to tell if something is true ? 🧐

Why do we think what we think?

Like for a lot of big existential questions, Wait But Why (aka my favorite website on the internet) is here to help.

Here’s an extract from their excellent series on recent societal evolutions “The Story of Us” on how we think, called The Thinking Ladder (highly encouraged read)

Thinking like a …

Let’s summarize really quickly what Tim Urban is explaining here:

  1. We have a Primitive Mind and a Higher Mind. At any time when you’re thinking about something, it’s a balance between the 2 minds that want different things
  2. The more you listen to your Higher Mind > the closer you are to the Scientist Process of thoughts > the “wiser” your point-of-view will be
  3. The more your listen to your Primitive Mind > the closer you are to the Zealot Process of thoughs > the lesss obejctive your point-of-view will be

So the conclusion is : we have to be as close as possible to the process of a Scientist and always look for truth instead of confirmation.

A scientist places truth over confirmation in his “values stack”
The Scientist process of reflexion, that we should ideally always follow

Another interesting thing is his take on how a society evolves in The American Brain

Thought pile = what everyone is thinking. Speech curve = what everyone is saying
Example: how the American society’s opinion evolved on the impact of smoking on health in 60+ years

So according to Wait but Why, one of the main ways society’s opinion changes on important issues, like smoking or gay mariage, is because some people start having a different discourse, and if there’s wisdom in it it ends up growing bigger, until a new consensus is reached.

Inversely (not Tim’s say anymore), we should wonder how long can a theory sustain without tangible facts feeding it? What the “fact-checkers-not-doing-their-job-thorougly-enough” are implying is that more and more people are gullible and … stupid. In addition to being slighlty condescending, is that really it?

At any point, to tell if something is true or not, I think there are 2 scenarios:

  • You’ve experienced it yourself. Someone might tell you there are no strawberries in Indonesia and that numerous studies support this, but if you’ve beeen there and have eaten some, no argument can ever convince you it’s false. You know it’s true because you’ve lived it.
  • If you don’t experience it yourself, you have second-hands information, from your social groups or media. In that case, in order to know if you believe it or not, you need to assess the source’s legitimacy, criteria like their experience in the field, the personal trust you give them based on their history, if the info makes sense …

Inspired by Socrates triple filter test, here are a few questions that I think might help in the process ✅

→ Was the research thorough?

→ How does this news make you feel? Why?

Is the source giving you the information:

→ Someone / something you trust?

→ An independant person / citizen or an entity?

→ Giving your the story as objectively as they can?

→ Encouraging you to question and do your own research?

→ Might have conflict of interest / is owned by people who might?

→ Seems “well-hearted”?

Other medias you may not know

Who are the people talking about all this ?

Again, there’s a lot of them. They do not always 100% agree but I’d say they do on about at least 90% (which is pretty impressive)

Here’s a non-exhaustive list of sources I’ve given attention to over the months:

In 🇫🇷 🇨🇦

And digging deeper into the esotheric stuf

These are some of the ones I find the most relevant / “trustworthy” even though, as always, there’s no real way to know what’s going on for sure.

And they are followed by millions of people / “anons” (see below)

Yes, maybe it is all planed and they have an agenda.

But if they do, why wouldn’t the others? The ones you’re used to receive the news from. If you just follow the money, the latter actually makes (just a little) more sense.

About “Fake news”

I personally find the concept of fake news hilarious: it’s basically two sides of information providers (mainstream media vs. some “alternative media” + Trump) calling each other fake news. Both strongly believing and fighting for the other side to be considered the real fake news. To my knowledge, fake news was democratized by Trump during his campaign & presidency accusing mainstream media to lack objectivity, hence chosing to share his “own information” through Twitter (but I could be wrong, if there’s any historians here? 💡)

The two main sides of world information calling each other fake, what a great time to be alive and informed (!)

How mass-media “debunks” fake news 🔨


As I was going down the rabbithole, I made sure to watch enough “regular news” (mainstream media) to see what their point-of-view on this was.

Unsurprisingly, even though they are often covering the same “facts”, not the same.

There’s been a lot of “fact-checking” / “debunking” lately stating that all of these “theories” are non-sense, but I have to say (personal opinion) all due respect but I think they’re not doing their best job journalistically-speaking.

I’ve read and watched hours of them from Snopes, late shows like John Oliver / Stephen Colbert / Trevor Noah, Dr Mike, Le Monde’s Decodex, Nouvo

Although what they are saying makes sense overall, they rarely provide strong arguments, ending-up calling BS and not really fact-checking that much.

Their main argument is to explain why people believe in “conspiracy theories”:

  • It’s an easier (too easy) way of understanding the world that is incredibly complex (agreed ✅)
  • They make you feel special, belonging (agreed ✅)
  • People who believe in conspiracy theories are likely more alienated and socially isolated (from my own experience and what the Q experience is showing, disagree 👎)

And it may all be true, but it’s hardly debunking any facts.

There are actually a few very convincing debunks, but it works because they either:

  • Mix the statement being debunked with some other unrelated crazy shit like the earth being flat (I know, at this point it’s hard to qualify something more crazy than the other, but still, the Earth is obviously not flat, come on guys)
  • Debunk a “conspiracy media” that according to the theorists works … for them
Clic to see why Alex Jones / Info War is definitely not considered a relevant source in this article

PART 3 — What is a conspiracy theory ? 🕵️‍♂️

Definition of conspiracy:

The activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal” (Cambridge dictionnary)

An evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.” (

Some people say the term “conspiracy theory” was coined / democratized by CIA in 1967 to disqualify those who questioned the official version of JFK’s assassination and doubted that his killer had acted alone. 💡 (Again if there are any historians out there I’d love to get your opinion)

Qanon is allegedly the biggest “conspiracy theory” going on at the moment.

What is Qanon?

More and more people worldwide are showing Q symbols during protests & political gatherings

Q is the main provider of the alternative narrative.

  • It’s a person or entity posting almost daily information, questions, analysis and predictions, often in code or metaphors, through what (s)he calls “drops”
  • It started in October 2017 on 4chan
  • Some analysts point out that many predictions it made over the years then became true / “official” in mainstream media
  • Q stands for “Q clearance” a security authorization required to access Top Secret Restricted Data in the US
  • The official websites are &
  • Q and Donald Trump seem closely related
  • There are now millions of citizens called “Anons” or “Digital soldiers” doing their own research to understand and verify Q’s claims
  • You can follow the conversation on social media with the hashtag #wwg1wga (meaning Where We Go One We Go All, a reference to JFK)
A screenshot of’s homepage on June 4th
  • In addition to the drops, the website is incredibly full of information including “Players in the Game”, “Notorious death”, “Resignations”, Notable Human Trafficking Arrests” …
“Players” are tagged Evil/Patriot/Traitor/Flipped/Unknow

PART 4 - The Trump point 🇺🇸

Lots of things are hard to believe here, and the main one might be where Trump stands in all of that. We all know Trump — he’s a selfish, arrogant, mysoginistic and racist dickhead who’s destroying America. But is he really?

I lived in the US in 2012 and highly supported Obama’s campaign, I even had a little poster of him in my office — which is why reading about all this seemed ridicule to me at first.

Now that I’ve studied his presidency more thorougly, I think Trump is definitely not perfect, but I find the media outrage is crazy for someone who has been democratically elected (and hasn’t started any world wars).

Here’s my personal Trump pros and cons list

Definitely subjective and non-exhaustive

I also applaud his mandate’s priority to end human trafficking.

Reading about “conspiracy theories”, it’s easy to see it as a disinformation movement created by Trump in order to get (re)elected.

But from my own research and taking a look at the global alternate narrative, Trump seems to be a relatively small “detail” in what has been going on on the planet for at least the last 70 years (also, I’m not sure alleging your political opponents are satanic pedophiles is the best way to go in terms of credibility & mass-convincing voters effectively to elect you, but I’m no politician). We have to bear in mind the importance of the US elections in November, giving control to the most powerful country in the world.

According to theorists, there’s a plan that has been going on for a long time, even before JKF’s presidency, that was supposed to end with Obama + Hillary’s term.

Source: Qanon. (Is that “true”? No idea)

PART 5 - Hiding in plain sight 👁‍🗨

or “The Power of Symbols”

I hadn’t realized, before some friends pointed me to it, how our culture has become dark lately, especially in music and shows.

Here are a few examples:

Representations of cannibalism
Billie Elish at the 2019 AMA
Taylor Swift at the 2018 AMA
Beyoncé at the 2016 VMA
Lady Gaga in Paper magazine

Even some going REALLY thoroughly into “conspiracy theories” details …

Illuminati by Lil Pump
Le prix à payer (= the price to pay) by Maître Gims

Ok so it’s dark but what’s the point ?

At first sight nothing seems that chocking, but this chapter is about the power of symbolism.

Symbolism has been a big part of Pizzagate / Pedogate after anons linked the FBI declassified pedophile symbols on Wikileaks to several places they were appearing, especially in children protection NGOs.

FBI Symbols used by pedophiles — 2017
Blue triangle = boy lovers / Pink heart = girl lovers / Butterfly = both
Logos from children NGOs and other organizations worldwide using these symbols
From popes to fashion design

Yes, it’s a basic shape so it could totally be a coincidence.

But Q often says, and I find this questionning interesting: “How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?”

To avoid making it an 1h-long read we’ll just review a few here, but during my research I did see a lot of it (examples)

“Symbolism will be their downfall” is one of Q’s main catchphrases

Apart from the obviously hell-ish scenery and alleged pedophile symbols above, there are other sutbler symbols that the Anons are reffering to.

Which bring us to … occultism.

What is occultism?

Definition of occultism:

“Various theories and practices involving a belief in and knowledge or use of supernatural forces or beings. Such beliefs and practices — principally magical or divinatory — have occurred in all human societies throughout recorded history, with considerable variations both in their nature and in the attitude of societies toward them. In the West the term occultism has acquired intellectually and morally pejorative overtones that do not obtain in other societies where the practices and beliefs concerned do not run counter to the prevailing worldview.” (Brittanica)

“The word, “occult,” is difficult to define. The reason for this is that almost everyone has a different view of what the word means. To some, it represents a fascinating sphere of paranormal activity and mystery. To others, it implies sorcery and dark intentions. Very few people call themselves occultists, yet many are, perhaps without knowing it. Those who do know it, rarely use the term due to an abundance of negativity surrounding the whole concept.” (Gaia)

That it seems crazy or not doesn’t really matter, occulism exists and has been studied extensively.

Occultism is commonly associated with Luciferianism and Satanism.

You can find a list of occult symbols on Wikipedia but we’ll go through a few main ones to look for:

> The all seeing eye

Also called “the Eye of Providence”

> The upside-down cross

Also called “Cross of St Peter”

> Baphomet

Also called “The Goat of Mendes”

> The evil hand

Anton LaVey is the founder of the Church of Satan

And believe me, when you start looking these signs are prevalent:

The plot of this show is apparently very similar to the CIA’s Mind Control program (source)
Melinda Gates wearing an upside-down cross will talking vaccines in May
The upside-down cross, evil hand & Baphomet horns


➡ Theorists argue that it is BECAUSE the Cabal is getting us used to seeing horrific things, and basically displaying their intentions in plain sight.

Wait this is ridiculous, if they had indeed an evil plan they would not display it to the world … at all ! 😈

Yes, good one.

One more stretch here.

Apparently there’s a universal (cosmic / karmic) law that, by taking a thousand shortcuts, I would roughly summarize as: a law that would “kind of” “authorize” wrong behaviour on this level if the victims are “clearly” being made aware by the perpetrators that it is going on.

This can be found in numerous spiritual texts, including the Law of One.

It’s also what Laura Eisenhower is saying here:

Extract from Eisenhower’s great grand-daughter’s “Message to the Dark Controllers” on April 10

Which brings us to …

PART 6 — What do spirituality & God have to do with this?

Maybe you’ve noticed that conspiracy theorists talk a lot about God and “Biblical times”

Why ?

Because if things they say are true, we better believe God exists otherwise we’re all screwed?

More than that actually, according to some of them what we are seeing is actually simply God’s plan unfolding: what they call “The Great Awakening”.

God is a “difficult” topic to write on objectively and also not the topic of this article. So again, we’ll use Wait but Why research on this, and one of their long and fascinating articles “Religion for the non religious”, that I’ll try to summarize here.

Note: the word “God” is used in this Medium article alternatively with other words like “the divine” describing, all religions aside, the force that created the universe.

Introduction of the Religion for the non religious article
  1. Whether you believe in something or not, you should still be interested in your personal growth
  2. Growing is becoming wiser
  3. You should always “believe in” the truth
  4. There is just so much we don’t know
Extract of “Religion for the non religious”

So if this makes sense to you, it’s possible you can now embrace the fact that some of these things might be true:

  • All of the previously mentionned statements
  • There’s a true fight between evil and light
  • Aliens exist
  • Maybe reincarnation, levitation and bilocation too?

What is spirituality ?

The original idea of this article was to write about the ties between “conspiracy theories” and spirituality, but I ended doing something a little larger.

Spirituliaty is a growing topic, especially here on Medium.

Spirituality can be defined in so many ways, but here’s one I like:

Spirituality conveniently covers all these topics, is a subject I personally love studying, and I find it interesting that so much “alleged conspiracy theorists” are actually huge believers, relentlessly sending messages of love and peace ☮️

Interesting concepts I’ve found in spirituality are:

Maya’s illusion : we live in an illusion where things appear to be “real” but are not what they seem.

Brahman’s mirror: at the beginning God was everything but he was like a mirror, he was all but couldn’t experience it. He created people & things to experience what he had created, breaking himself — the mirror — into infinite pieces (that would become our eyes). Which is why everyone think they have the truth but only have a piece of it.

More on this in a later article.

I guess the whole point of bringing out spirituality here is:

→ To acknowledge there’s just something we don’t know

→ To understand “reasonning” is not everything. When you meditate or pray you connect to the present (the Divine for some) and it’s a “truth” that you can feel, not reason on for hours. The limits of “reasonning” is 1/ all our cognitive biases + 2/ an obvious lack of information (“the fog”).

If you’re interested in learning more about spirituality I’d recommand (and following this Series ;))

PART 7 — Why it is incredibly hard to believe

(and not our goal anyway)

For many reasons:

  1. Have you heard of Cognitive Dissonance ?

Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works again that belief , the new evidence cannot be accepted. It creates a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable called Cognitive Dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that does not fit in with that core belief (Frantz Fanon)

Accepting that things are so different would mean you’ve been living a lie, and would have the risk to threaten your own identity (or “ego” in spiritual terms)

But what if you had been fed the alternate narrative (cosmic laws, aliens …) your whole life instead? And more and more people were making arguments that it’s all a lie?

A spiritual person’s path is to be aware of their ego (the false identity they’ve been given by parents, society), in order to reconnect to unity (all is one) and the Divine. Hence for a spiritual person 1/ these things don’t sound “that crazy”, 2/ they can accept it’s true as it doesn’t jeopardize their whole identity.

It’s also that we cannot face facts that are triggering us too violently. As you grow spiritually, you heal past sufferings and traumas and are liberated from the triggering. You can’t be triggered anymore by something you’ve healed from.

2. It’s really scary

No one likes to research and be shown how pedophiles find their way on their internet, or how allegedly some people are drinking children’s blood (see below “What are the risks”)

3. We (almost) never think about it


Also, don’t you ever have the impression that, especially in big cities, our depth of reflexion is somehow blocked by an imaginary limit and we never (rarely) go beyond? I’ve had fascinating discussions with people all over the world but when I’m in Paris, London or NY the area of possibilities in terms of reflexion seem way smaller.

What are the risks?

I am truly sadden by the impact coronavirus (and it’s “responses”) had in the world, especially on mental health. I understand that reading and researching this can be scary and could trigger people and it is everything but my intention, which is one of the reasons I pointed out the relationships between this narrative and God / spirituality.

On DeprogramWiki, they have this disclaimer:

DeprogramWiki is collaboration of information regarding what is referred to as ‘Undetectable Mind Control’ (MK ULTRA)

So I’d say do not go look for information that you know might trigger you.

That being said, I really hope people, anons, digital soldiers, vigilant citizens that spend hours researching to make up their own mind, take time to breathe, go outside, have fun, meditate and/or pray, as the research can lead to, either true or false, horrific discoveries.

Does it matter what you believe ?

I’d say yes and no.

Actually if all of this is true, you knowing or not looks like its not gonna have a big impact.

The most spiritual people I’ve talked to about that said there’s no rush telling everyone as the Divine plan is unfolding perfectly.

At the end of the day, you can either believe that:

  • It’s all false. There’s no evil and all in the world is pretty much what you know and as it should be
  • It’s all true. In that case people seem to agree it’s God’s plan, so it should work OK for us ;)
  • It’s a mix of both (most likely)

What about COVID & George Floyd?


I’m not a doctor hence will not give an opinion. I know both doctors that think it was obviously man-made and others that totally refute this idea. Let’s just say in any case it has been feeding perfectly The Alternate Narrative since it started.


Too sensitive, soon and not enought information to give an opinion, but did you know that the policeman and him worked together the previous year according to the club owner that was employing them?

Please contribute to this reflexion! Don’t take any of my words for granted, research, fact-check everything and make your own opinion!

As cognitive bias exist in all, even though I tried to stay objective I might have slipped …. Please share you point-of-view :)



First, congrats and thanks, it was a pretty long read

Wether we like it or not, this alernate narrative seems to be explaining a lot of things (too much?), including why there’s so much injustice, hatred, violence and wars in the world — a thing we know but fail to interrogate on a daily basis because it’s been “just the way things are”.

But things are obviously much more complex than that, and I guess it couldn’t be less black and white.

The good news is: we will know soon which narrative was the closest to reality, as the big deadline is November with the 🇺🇸 US presidential election. So I almost want to say “Sit back and relax”

→ Either it exists and it’s about to be solved, either its fake and its about to become clear ☑️

What’s my opinion ?

I think bottom line the topic is way much more complex than it may appear at first sight, and when facts are debunked one by one.

→ I keep wondering how and why are the Anons even considered conspirationists? Even if its all false, they’re just sharing information they believe to be true, not plotting anything, but instead complaining about an alleged plot they think they (and the world) are a victim of. Where is their conspiration?

→ I do think there’s way too many detailed testimonials from people (in Hollywood, journalists, army…) for all of this to be 100% fake. Have you seen the depth of the Q-Web? Or of the DeprogramWiki (aimed at helping people recover from mind-programming)? And there are thousands like that, relating in details to all of the above-mentionned topics. Its not as big as the regular media yet but growing fast … so why would they invent all this? There are certainly simpler and shorter ways to influence presidential elections …

The Q-Web, the biggest mapping of “theories” ever made (how to read it)

→ There are still a lot of weird stuff live on the internet that you can check like the Cannibal Club restaurant website (where they say the serve human meet) or the Comet ping pong backdoor (Pizzagate) made public by a hacker

→ As an alternative medecine practicionner it’s not hard for me to believe WHO doesn’t have people’s health & best interest in mind, otherwise alternative practices would have been democrazited a long time ago and we would have cured/healed way much more people than we are now with less meds

→ I study yoga philosophy and sometimes wonder: when did we stop looking for Enlightenment? At many points in age, people’s main focus was to reach was they called “Enlightenment”: understanding why they were here on Earth, how the sky and the universe worked… and it’s definitely one of the last preocupations of people in the modern world.

A few questions I have for you 🙃

  • Why don’t we apply the same skepticism towards “common news” vs “fake news”?
  • If its truly fake, why would / how could they create so much content? And why whould the mass-media talk about it so much trying to shut it down? What are the risks? Are the risks big enough to deploy the censorhip we’re seeing at the moment?

At the end of the day, where do we want to go? Freedom and peace is my answer ✌️ Freedom of thoughts, speech and also this bigger freedom we’re all missing (I think) to live the life we disserve, in a peaceful, fair and healthy planet.

If you decide to go down the rabbit hole 🔍, my advice :

  • Meditate
  • Be sure to spend enough time outside, exercising, breathing, eating and drinking properly, spending time with friends, enjoying life …
  • Don’t go to bed too late
  • Don’t be scared. If all of this is true, God and the good guys are winning 😃

Why I wrote this article

During my life experiences & travels I encountered really sane, happy, kind, wise and spiritual people talking about these subjects, who were the opposite of what you would imagine an alt-right conspiracy theorist looks like — which is the reason I personally got interested in all of this in the first place.

People in Spain, Brazil, Australia, Indonesia, Canada with really different educations, backgrounds, lives, were talking about these topics — some of them were really scary but they seemed quite at peace. I’m curious so I got interested, but got both surprised, and scared at first, that these people would connect spirituality and what I was labelling as “conspiracy theories” so strongly.

One of their “predictions” was that a lot of things would be happening in 2020 (being a very special year astrologically speaking, and allegedly the actual 2012 that-never-happened).

And here we are in 2020. The planet is dying so rapidly 15 year-olds have to take charge, coronavirus had us all quarantined for months in a fear-ruled atmosphere, fake news and “conspiracy theories” have never been bigger, what seems to be the most hated President in modern history is running for his last mandate at the head of the most powerful country in the world…

I am impatiently waiting for fact-checkings that would do more a thorough job. If you have some, please share.

I don’t know about you guys, but for me it’s definitely been the most entertaining show ever 📺

(Other) pending question I have:

  • What about Anonymous? You know, the group of hackers that are supposed (?) to have the people’s best interests in mind? If you search for recent “anonymous” material you’ll probably end up on this YouTube channel, a big feeder of the alternate narrative, but which is to my knowledge, also it states “Official”, not related to the actual Anonymous hackers group. I know they are not a centralized entity, but where are they and what is their opinion / acts on all of this?

If you liked the article, please consider leaving a clap 👏 or two :)

If you want to contribute to “The Alternative Narrative” Series 📖

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PS : If there’s anyone from Wait but Why here I think a lot of us are eager to read your analysis of all this :)




I study philosophy, theology, spirituality, yoga, alternative medecine, bioenergy, geobiology. I used to work in journalism, business & tech 🌍