Starting Seeds Indoors

Sara Eliza
The Amateur Gardener
6 min readMay 2, 2021


The why, the how, and the hardening off

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I love to watch plants grow. It can make a dreary March and April feel full of life and give you something fun to wake up to. I live in Canada, and although I’m in one of the southernmost growing zones, it still feels like summer just flies by. So when Spring comes along and it’s still too early to plant outdoors, getting your seeds started indoors can quell some of that antsiness.

I’ve only had my house now for less than a year, so before my own home garden, all I had was a balcony to grow on — that and window sills. Getting to grow in several spaces on my property that feel like they add up to more square feet than my downtown Toronto apartment had, fills me with such joy…and a bit of trepidation.

It’s not exactly quick work to garden in such a wild environment — I’m used to containers. I’ve never seen so many weeds in my life. Nonetheless, I’m learning as I go. My mom is the green thumb in the family, so I go to her with my questions and then consult the internet as a second opinion. I often kick myself wishing I’d paid more attention when she tried time and time again to teach me about gardening growing up. Some random information stuck, but mostly it was in one ear and out the other.

Anyway, the reason your reading.

Why start seeds indoors?

