A Big Change

Benny Regalbuto
The Amazing Comic Book Reviews
4 min readOct 17, 2022


For me, for you, and for this publication’s future.

Seven leaves set on a wire. From left to right, the color changes from green to yellow to red, mimicking how trees turn come autumn.
Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

Today, Dear Reader, I was due to publish my review of the fourth annual issue of The Amazing Spider-Man. It’s already written and edited, but reading it, and thinking about my next review — which would have covered ASM #53–56 — reality came crashing down. Hard.

I… don’t want to do this anymore. Write reviews of ASM, that is.

But that doesn’t mean this publication has to disappear.

When I log onto Medium for the day, I always read other writers’ work before I write my own (typically limiting myself to five articles so I don’t spend all day reading and none of it writing). Because what would writers be without one another?

Well, this morning was no different. I got up, had breakfast, took care of a few things, and sat down to read some Medium pieces before getting around to editing my ASM Annual #4 review. I read about the ongoing protests in Iran. I read about ways water might be harvested from the atmosphere. I read about how the future of self-driving cars might hinge on the history of self-operating elevators. I read why publishing consistently isn’t necessarily the best thing writers can do.

I capped it all off with a piece by the lovely Michelle Teheux titled “So You Think Medium Doesn’t Pay Writers Enough”. I can only claim to have read…



Benny Regalbuto
The Amazing Comic Book Reviews

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