Best Bits: Strangers in Paradise

Looking back on the comic that kicked off Terry Moore’s career.

Benny Regalbuto
The Amazing Comic Book Reviews


The cast of Terry Moore’s comic Strangers in Paradise.
Strangers in Paradise has quite the cast of colorful characters.

By Terry Moore. Published by Abstract Studio Comics. All images fair use.

I met Strangers in Paradise writer and illustrator Terry Moore once. Sort of.

Sometime in the mid-2010s, I attended New York Comic Con with one of my brothers and his girlfriend at the time. (Yes, Dear Reader, I third wheeled at a comic book convention. Check it off the bucket list.) I don’t normally cosplay, but I went as Invincible that year. I couldn’t wear my glasses beneath the mask, and because I can’t bear having anything in my eyes, contacts were a no-go. I might as well have cosplayed Daredevil for how blind I was.

Even so, I recognized Moore when I stumbled across his booth in Artist Alley. I’d been a fan of his work for several years at that point, and was excited to speak with him for a bit. Except… I couldn’t. It had nothing to do with embarrassment; I’d already spoken with the late great Tim Sale earlier in the day, not to mention New Mutants co-creator Bob McLeod and original Chewbacca actor Peter Mayhew. It also had nothing to do with my Invincible mask, which didn’t cover my mouth, making speech a non-issue.

It was another cosplayer, who would not. Stop. Talking.



Benny Regalbuto
The Amazing Comic Book Reviews

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