Call for Contributors!

Love comics and everything comics-related? You’re in good company.

Benny Regalbuto
The Amazing Comic Book Reviews


LEGO Superman and Batman eating ice cream together.
Us, talking about comics together. Photo by Yulia Matvienko on Unsplash.

Dear Reader… or should I say Dear Writer?

Yes, you read the title right: I’m putting out a call for contributors! If you want to talk about comics without having to watch people’s eyes glaze over as they fail at pretending to listen, then this is the publication for you. After all, you can’t see who’s reading, so you can’t see their eyes glaze over!

Submission Guidelines

  • I’m a professional proofreader and copy editor, so I’ll ensure your work is in tip-top shape before it’s published. Still, I’d appreciate you doing at least a once-over for grammar and punctuation before you send your article my way.
  • Speaking of sending your article my way, email your Medium username and the link to your draft — something that hasn’t been published anywhere else — to You can send links to related work of yours as well, if you’re so inclined. If I like what I see and accept you as a contributor, you’ll then be able to submit your drafts directly to the pub. Just click the three dots on the top right of the page, click “Add to publication,” and choose The Amazing Comic Book Reviews (because what else would you choose?). Make sure your private note setting is on!



Benny Regalbuto
The Amazing Comic Book Reviews

The Amazing Comic Book Reviews + Benny’s Book-Writing Blog + more!