What Makes a Creative Genius?

And how can you become one

Sude Hammal
The Ambidextrous Writer


Photo by Amy Shemblen on Unsplash

What makes a creative person? Is it a tough childhood, or genetics that enable them to have a raw talent? An encouraging environment, or enabling personality traits? Maybe a combination of all of them. Or maybe one of them is enough. Let’s find out together what cultivates a creative person.

But first, we should at least attempt to define what creativity is, to understand better what we call a creative person. Although creativity is an extendable term, everyone has somewhat an idea of what we mean by creativity.

Research suggests different depictions to the term, but the more common consensus is that creativity is a characteristic or skill including multiple elements within itself such as imagination, curiosity, productivity, problem-solving, and originality.

It is important to note that childhood is a substantial period in our lives to form characteristics that will amplify our creativity.

That being said, we can see some trends and inclinations in a creative person’s characteristics and behaviors when we observe the world’s most renowned rock stars, 5-star chefs, authors, directors, artists, and outstanding people in any creative field. They have somethings in common.

A tough childhood



Sude Hammal
The Ambidextrous Writer

B.A. in Psychology. Lifelong learner. Writing about Psychology, Self, Writing, and other topics of interest. Weekly newsletter: ideasandscribbles.substack.com