2019: A Good Year for AdEx

We are looking back at the past year and all the great things that happened to our platform in 2019

The Ambire Wallet Blog
2 min readJan 22, 2020


We ended the past decade with a bang — by introducing the AdEx staking functionality way ahead of schedule. But that wasn’t the only good thing that we achieved; 2019 was a very good year for all of us at team AdEx.

Here are some of the more notable things we did in 2019:

But more importantly, we got the AdEx platform going and welcomed a number of advertisers and publishers on it. They helped us with valuable feedback and we were able to improve the platform significantly.

Let’s take a look at the numbers that we saw on AdEx in 2019.

2019 in numbers

Since we launched our private beta in June, we have signed up 126 publishers and advertisers.

Our publishers have received payouts amounting a combined amount of $76,504.34.

Advertisers created a total of 288 ad units which were then used in 259 ad campaigns. The total value of these campaigns was $96,930.20.

We served 165,675,049 ad impressions — or an average of 23,667,864 impressions per month. The highest number of monthly impressions we served in calendar month was 53,446,939 in December.

The most popular ad formats were 160x600 px, 468x60 px, 728x90 px and 300x250 px.

These numbers combined with the feedback we received from the participants in the AdEx private beta reinforce our confidence that we are on the right track. And with everything we have planned for 2020, we just can’t wait for you to make AdEx even better!

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The Ambire Wallet Blog

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