Ambire’s Impressions of Istanbul 2023

The Ambire Wallet Blog
4 min readNov 30, 2023
A recap of the Ambire’s participation in two crypto events in Istanbul

Merhaba! We’re back from Binance Blockchain Week and various events during Devconnect in Istanbul and are ready to share a little bit about our experience!

Ambire takes center stage: Literally

The team at Ambire was given multiple opportunities to showcase not just our awesome product but also share some knowledge and experience during events such as Binance Blockchain Week, Abstract Istanbul, and WalletUncon.First, Ivan Manchev, our Head of Marketing, participated in a panel during Binance Blockchain Week on the hot topic of “A Web2 Experience in a Web3 World?”.

Ivan on a panel together with Binance, Amazon Web Services and Marlin

The following week, Ivo Georgiev, our Co-Founder and CEO, was on stage twice during Abstract Istanbul, a side event during Devconnect. First, he joined Julien Niset (Co-Founder & CSO, Argent), Lukas Schor (Co-Founder, Safe), Nicolas Consigny (Developer Relations, Ledger), Ulaş Erdoğan (Co-Founder & Software Developer, Clave) and Jeff Wentworth (Co-Founder, Curvegrid) to discuss “Wallets as a Gateway to Web3 Adoption”.

Ivo discussing Web3 adoption through wallets

Later that same day, it was all eyes on Ambire when Ivo delivered a talk on “Schnorr Signatures and Account abstraction: a match made in heaven.” His talk showed that the technology to onboard the next billion users easily is already out there, and we can use it together with Account аbstraction to make Web3 more accessible.

Ivo talking about how Schnorr signatures can help onboard the next billion users

Towards the end of the week, Ivo continued spreading the word about self-custody at WalletUncon. He delivered another captivating talk on Schnorr signatures, smart accounts, and their importance to the ecosystem.

Ivo at WalletUncon telling some wallet truths

Other Istanbul shenanigans

We also had booths at multiple events. Our presence at Binance Blockchain Week was strong — we had the coffee! This meant we could talk about Account аbstraction, smart contract wallets, and the upcoming extension of Ambire Wallet while keeping all attendees in high spirits and well caffeinated!

Alex (customer success) enjoying the calm before the storm

We also had great swag to go together with the great conversations we held — and that went down a treat as usual. But let’s be honest; the star was the Ambire Wallet mobile app because who wouldn’t want their crypto securely at their fingertips?

Proud new owners of the Ambire Wallet mobile app

We met members of the Ambire community, introduced the wallet to new users, and collected valuable feedback about how we can make Ambire even more awesome.

Community manager Aljaz, deep in conversation

We had a booth with swag at Abstract Istanbul during Devconnect, too. When people were not listening to talks about user experience, Account аbstraction, ERC-4337, and Web3 adoption, they could see the upcoming browser extension in action for the first time! We had a beta version developed especially for the event, and we wanted to get as much feedback as possible. We got valuable insights, which the dev team is currently busy implementing in preparation for the extension launch!

Left: Emil (product lead) and Nadia (biz dev). Right: Emil testing the extension with an Ambire user
Vesi (biz dev) and Emil (product lead) prove that Ambirers can work anywhere!

Other worthy takeaways

Since Devconnect is one of the biggest blockchain gatherings, it has something for everyone! But a topic which is especially close to our hearts is Account Abstraction. So, we were particularly excited about the announcement of Native Account Abstraction in the form of RIP-7560. It has huge practical benefits, such as reducing costs for Account аbstraction transactions, e.g., as well as gas abstraction for EOAs (externally owned accounts).

All in all, Istanbul was a great success for the Ambire team. We met lots of like-minded people, listened to really interesting talks, and came back even more motivated to make Web3 more welcoming and more user-friendly. See you at the next event in 2024!

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