How to manage several accounts on the AdEx Platform

In this article we’ll show you how easy it is to manage different AdEx accounts from one main account

The Ambire Wallet Blog
5 min readOct 2, 2020


The AdEx Platform is made to connect directly advertisers and publishers, but many advertisers rely on digital agencies to run ads on their behalf. Naturally, marketing agencies started working with our platform as well.

It is common for agencies to work with different accounts for their clients. In this article we’ll demonstrate how easy it is to manage different AdEx accounts from one main account and change privileges among different profiles on the platform.

Register an account on AdEx Network

To register an account on AdEx Network all you need is a valid email address. Just go to the platform and hit “Create account”. The registration process is pretty straightforward.

For each account you’ll be using on the AdEx Platform you’ll need a unique email address for registration, so if you run an agency you have two options for your clients’ accounts:

  • Ask your clients to register their accounts or create an email address for you, or
  • Use an email of yours, e.g.

Even if you use an email of yours, you can easily pass ownership of the account to your client later, so don’t worry.

Managing ownership

If you are familiar with Metamask and creating addresses on the Ethereum network, you can skip to the next step.

Here comes the magic. As you know, the AdEx Platform works on the Ethereum Network blockchain. When you register an account on our platform with your email address, we create a cryptographic identity /address/ for your account on the Ethereum blockchain. Think of it as of an email address or a public website domain, but in the blockchain space.

This identity address can be used for this account only and won’t be able to manage other profiles on the AdEx Platform. However, our platform allows you to access your account with a MetaMask address as well — and with one MetaMask address, you can access more than one AdEx account.

How to create an Ethereum identity address with Metamask and connect it to the AdEx Platform

Metamask is the most popular free Ethereum wallet — an application for creating and managing Ethereum addresses. You’ll need Metamask to manage several accounts on the AdEx Platform. To start using it, just go to the Metamask website and download it — you can use Metamask on Firefox and Google Chrome browsers. Setting up is fairly easy, but you can read this well written guide before you do it.

If you do it right, you’ll end up having the Metamask extension on your browser. It should look like this:

The string of numbers and letters underneath the name of the account is your account’s address. If you click on it you’ll copy it on your clipboard.

Managing account access on the AdEx Platform

Each account owner on the AdEx Platform can manage access to the account and grant permissions to MetaMask addresses to access it. If you want to run agency accounts on the AdEx Platform, we suggest that you first create one master account with email address, then create an Ethereum identity address using Metamask and then grant it access to the account.

To manage account access, you must go to the “Account” tab on the dashboard and click on “Advanced”.

When you click on “Set Account Privileges” you can grant permissions to the account or change existing ones.

There are three types of account privilege levels:

  • Owner — Owners can create new ad slots/ad units; create new campaigns; assign account privileges; deposit funds into account and withdraw from balance.
  • User — Users can deposit into account, create new ad slots/ad units and observe the account (read-only).
  • None — Removes all privileges from an account, including ability to log in and access the account.

To grant access to your newly created Ethereum identity address, copy the address from Metamask and paste it in the window, selecting Owner privilege level.

Note that changing account privilege levels includes writing information on the Ethereum network and thus requires paying small fees to the Ethereum network. If you want to change privilege levels for an account, you have to have some funds on the account to pay the network fees.

Now you can login to your master account either using email address and password or Metamask.

Managing clients’ accounts

Now that you have Metamask and Ethereum identity address, you can create unlimited number of accounts and after you top them up with funds, you can grant access for each account to the MetaMask address.

From now on when you login on the platform, choose Metamask and after you connect to Metamask, you can choose which of your managed accounts to access:

When you want to switch between accounts, just log off the current account and connect Metamask again.

If you want to grant full access to the account to the client and stop managing it, just change your privileges to None — the account will still be accessible with the email address used for registration.

Are you interested in trying the AdEx Platform? Register in under 5 minutes and start today!

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